Weather in Russia

Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2021

Hello! Today I want to tell you about the weather in my homeland — Russia.

A little about the country

Russia is the only country in the world with 8 climate zones, where the climate is formed not only by the terrain, sun, oceans! From the arctic to the subtropical, you can see everything on the territory of Russia: from polar nights and extremely low temperatures to warm sea resorts under the gentle sun. The weather changes throughout the country.

Climate and weather in Russia-diverse, and has clear characteristics. In most parts of the territory, the climate is harsh. Winter is long and cold, summer is warm but short.

Winter weather

Winter in Russia is a harsh period. Almost throughout the territory, it is prolonged, snowy and cold. The exception is the southern regions, where there is a wet weather with a plus temperature, sometimes with strong winds and prolonged rains. Winter in the Far East is frosts up to -25°C, in Siberia with temperatures as low as -42°C.

The lowest temperature recorded in a human-inhabited place is -71.2°C.

Spring weather

Spring passes in various ways in different regions of the country.. In March, most of the territory is still covered with snow, and plus temperatures occur only on rare clear days. It is warm in March only on the Black Sea coast in the Caucasus region. In Moscow, spring comes gradually — only in April the snow actively melts. At night, there are often frosts, even in the first half of May. In Siberia the snow is still lying during May, and only at the end of the month begins to melt actively.

The air temperature in spring in Russia averages +8°C. The average minimum temperature is -5°C. The maximum temperatures can reach+ 20°C.

Summer weather

Summer in most parts of the territory of Russia is warm, with average
temperatures of around
+22°C . Moscow often has hot, dry days in July. Thunderstorms and downpours are a frequent occurrence in the summer. In the Far East, summer is windy and comes only in July. On the Black Sea coast, summer is hot, with clear sunny days.

Autumn weather

Autumn in Russia comes quickly — the air temperature can drop extremely, with the minimum temperature dropping below -20°С, and precipitation becomes prolonged. Only on the Black Sea coast the temperature in September is consistently warm, in early autumn there is still a swimming season. In October, the rains begin, the sea is often stormy. The first frosts occur in Siberia — in October. Sometimes it snows. A real snow covers the territory of Russia in November.

The average air temperature in autumn in Russia is +7°C. The average minimum temperature is -5°C. The average maximum temperature is + 17°C.

Any weather is good in Russia! Each season is amazing in its own way!



Julia Gorozhankina
Julia Gorozhankina

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