The People From The Stars

Calling in once more the very high teachings of the Ek Balam — the ‘black jaguar’, or ‘bright star jaguar’ warrior angels

Mayan Angels — Ek Balam/ Yucatan Mexico / Sacred Places

When the star people came, they brought very high wisdom and knowledge to all the peoples here on earth.

Most cultures have seen and lived with these wonderful sky people — incredible charismatic winged beings — and they were always very beloved whilst here.

The ancestors who met these beings left the memories etched in stone for their descendants to see in days yet to come.

When corruption had once again overtaken humanity, they knew the world would badly need the knowledge once more.

In those days — and time is not linear, my friends — some of the sky people stayed for a time, ruling quietly and gently over the communities they arrived and lived amongst.

All over this world, Angels in many forms with different names or ways of speaking, have arrived from the skies, always bearing very similar messages.

The Mayan had their wondrous Pakal, and the Ancient Egyptians had the enigmatic Akhnaton. They were those beings with the oblong heads and unique bodies, very different in appearance than earth people. Of great unearthly beauty and with gentle yet…

