Julie Strickland
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2018


Day 49: This is outrageous. Someone call the unfair police pls. In the mean time I’ll just keep eating.

Love this little stop in the park. They had all sorts of other activities you had to do standing, but I liked that you could sit to rest and also exercise! I had to take the picture of only 2 of them, didn’t think the old man on the last one wanted to be photographed.

Bridge before the museums. Really amazing weather here that I think would feel great if I could wasn’t fever sweating.

SO many fish in the river. We were impressed it’s clean enough (compared to most city rivers) for them to survive.

How freaking cool does that look. Wowowow.

Awesome playground I may or may not have gone on while Alex was looking for a bathroom. America, stop worrying about lawsuits and step up your jungle gym game.

I feel like the person who said this was a dog may have been looking at a cat….until they did the nose I guess. I could see it as a Westie or a Yorkie if I’m being generous :P

Beautiful, amazing, delicious, supreme lunch. Pasta with onions and mushrooms, green beans and carrots with bacon and shrimp and a sauce I can’t describe, chicken thigh over spinach and red peppers, and pork shoulder with more mushrooms. I forgot to snap our tiramisu and rice pudding at the end, we just dug in 🙃

The set on the left was fantastic, especially the little spicy duck burrito. The ones on the right had so much potential! until they nuked them. I really wanted to enjoy the Brie and jamon and kiwi one, and I did my best given the little hockey pucks they were served on.

The plaza view during dinner. Mostly I just really liked the one apartment on the left that is completely covered in vines. That’s the one I would want to be mine.

The last picture of Buddy taken pre-Alex-in-Spain. What a goof

