Julie Strickland
Published in
5 min readJul 18, 2018


Day 50: Dear medicine, I love you.

Will add pictures tomorrow. Just wanted to get my journal up so the 3 of you following me everyday would know I’m not miserable anymore :]

Update! Pics :)

Meats — still haven’t figure out what they all are 😳

I didn’t get pictures of second course and desert. We got distracted talking about Yellowstone super volcanos and subsequent tangents.

Fine Arts — it was really nice to spend so much time here, really relax. The gallery was super big so you had lots of space plus there weren’t very many people there.

I was super tickled by these people’s faces. Especially on the right. They all have such blank, happy looks got such a sad scene.

Same wood and carving style, but the paint totally makes me forget it’s wood. Very impressed.

One of my favorites.

Saw this El Greco from afar and thought “why is there a band of angels playing rock in the sky and sending a magic bolt of rock music lightning to a barn owl for Mary?”.

I really liked this portrait. The others were almost too detailed, making everything seem “sharp” I guess?

“Not impressed”, followed by “well maybe I’ll look a little closer”.

I really only liked the left one of these, which I laughed at because they are called “Triumph of Love over War” and I liked the “war” one.

Another favorite. He took Impressionism and added a central figure with sharper detail and eventually made it his unique style. I took a close up and bought a magnet of it :)

Alex looking at what I thought to be possibly the most boring painting in the whole museum. He loved it. Good thing we both like baseball.

Another favorite of another awesome lady. Also took a close up and ‘twas runner up in the magnet purchase competition.

A few more contemporary pieces that I actually liked….

^this one especially

And then the ones that made me go seriously….why. The audio guide went into great detail on the one below, how it used diagonal lines to blah blah blah. I can’t. They can make great color themed wall fillers, but they just don’t do it for me.

There was an extra exhibit I was semi-interested in. A guy photographed and filmed a bunch of exhibits in the Prado in the dark, and I think the idea was that it became an overwhelming amount of dark, flowing monochrome and all that stood out was minimal light reflected back off the painting. Seeing famous works in a really different light (no pun intended). I would have enjoyed it more, but he compiled all the shots into a movie that was 2 hours 55 minutes long and he lingered on each piece for quite sometime. I admit though if he had sped it up it would have come across as super spooky.

A few of the new different pinxtos I was happy to find :)

Mose seems to being getting plenty of beauty rest on his new (stolen from humans) Casper mattress.

