Julie Strickland
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2018


Day 54: Madrid: The Last One

At first I thought these 2 would be the only photos I had for the day, and one isn’t even mine.

I found a place to eat on google and then on their website I saw the picture on the left and thought yuuum. When I got there I showed the waiter and told him I didn’t know which ones they were on the menu, but that’s what I wanted. I’d say pretty dang good, especially since mine featured a tinto :)

One of the biggest ads I have ever seen. Kind of annoying because it served as a backdrop for basically any picture you tried to take in the park/plaza.

Just the place I was looking for. An inconspicuous entrance to a place to read.

It’s me! Doing a thing!

At the second park. Little blue arrow to point out my friend, mister saxman, setting a peaceful mood for the evening.

So maybe this helps clarify what I wrote in my journal. He’s walk a little ways up and then essentially trust fall down onto the stage/trampoline floor and then back up onto his feet somewhere. It was pretty neat. I hope I remember to google this so I can figure out what it was.

The Temple — even though it doesn’t exactly flow with the park, kudos to Spain for what I think was multiple instances of saving UNESCO sites from floods in Egypt.

(Fun fact my phone autocorrects UNESCO to UNESCORTED)

You know I can’t help catching couples completely missing the point. She was taking beauty pictures of him where we was sitting. FROM THE SIDE. Dude. You don’t even have a backdrop. just dirt and tourist feet. Maybe have her get the monument in the back?

These best friends should be reunited right…about…now! I’m jealous not to be back with my best pup yet 😭

