Wearing Two Hats: Embracing the Scrum Master Role as a Developer

Andrei Tudor
Julius Baer Engineering
5 min readJan 8, 2024

The journey from being a full-stack developer to becoming a Scrum Master is both fulfilling and demanding. On the one hand, you’re in charge of much more than just the code you write, on the other you gain the opportunity to explore different parts of your work. In this blog post, I’ll share my personal experiences and offer insights into what you can expect when you choose a similar path.

How It All Began

When I first joined the project, I was eager to support my team in any way possible. I began by taking on small tasks, such as leading the daily stand-up meetings and participating in Scrum ceremonies, even stepping in as a deputy when necessary. These initial efforts may have seemed modest, but I gradually took on more Scrum-related responsibilities alongside my full-time job as a developer. A few years into the project, our Scrum Master decided to step down due to other commitments. Given my prior involvement and interest in the role, I was seen as a potential successor and slowly took over. Fortunately, I had the backing not only of my predecessor but also of my team and the company. The Bank even provided an Agile coach to support me as I navigated my new responsibilities.

To Code or Not to Code ?

At first, taking on both roles was exciting but quickly became overwhelming. Our team was working on a critical feature that required a lot of time and effort. I still had many developer tasks to finish alongside my new Scrum Master duties. I soon realized I needed to reassess my working style to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

With my team’s support, I started delegating tasks and focusing on a more manageable workload. Coding went from occupying 80% of my time to approximately 30%, while alignment and planning took up a significant portion, about 30%, with the remaining 40% devoted to Scrum topics.

A year later, the situation has improved significantly, I’m much more comfortable with delegation and I’ve adapted to the everchanging environment. I’ve also learned that waiting around for tasks isn’t an option anymore, being proactive is more important than ever. Fortunately, in our project, there’s always plenty to do and looking ahead it’s unlikely I’ll ever find myself short of tasks to tackle.

Currently, I am driven by two intertwined goals: to cultivate a highly efficient team and to render myself “obsolete”.
Certain aspects of the Scrum Master role, such as facilitating daily stand-ups, retrospectives, refinement sessions, aiding with feature creation, and managing the backlog, can be distributed among team members. I believe a high-performing team can become autonomous, taking on the tasks typically reserved for a Scrum Master, provided they have ample opportunities to familiarize with the job.

Nonetheless, some tasks should remain centralized. It’s more convenient for those outside the team to have a single point of contact, someone who can field inquiries and direct them to the most knowledgeable team member.

Can you coach ?

In traditional Scrum literature, the Scrum Master is often described as a coach for the team, this was challenging for me to understand. I've inherited already a fantastic team composed of highly skilled and talented individuals, some of whom were much more experienced than I was.
So, how was I supposed to coach them?

I discovered that the best way to help my team was to provide them with the information and resources they need or to take specific actions to support their work. While I can assist with pair programming, the most valuable support often comes in the form of sharing information about when, what, why.
To stay up-to-date and be a useful resource for my team, I need to dive into as many topics as possible : business, architecture, implementation, what are other teams doing, do we lack anything…

So I've learned that I have to be a “sponge”, absorbing as much information as I can, but doing it efficiently. Use references; you can’t memorize all the details. As already mentioned, when your team needs help it is your job to help them with their problems so they can work efficiently. Sometimes your knowledge is enough but efficiency is the key word here.
If you cannot help, point them to the person who can.

Communication, Communication, Communication

Some people view the Scrum Master as a management role, but I see it more as a supportive and collaborative role than an action-oriented one.
In a Scrum team, everyone is equal, and responsibilities vary based on interests and skills. Practicing humility and respect for all contributions, whether from a developer, tester, or product owner is a must and everyone must follow this rule.

As a Scrum Master it is your responsibility to create a supportive work environment where the team can work efficiently and collaborate effectively. This means being aware of team dynamics, addressing conflicts with understanding, and working together to make decisions that benefit the team.

You should not be a tyrant, but when decisions cannot be agreed upon, adopting the role of a benevolent dictator can be a good strategy. Listen to the team and only when they cannot take a decision it is your turn to take it. — Team Seth 2022

Starting from Zero?

When joining a new team, particularly one that’s unfamiliar with Agile practices, there are crucial steps beyond just scheduling Scrum ceremonies.

Make your team’s psychological safety a top priority. As a Scrum Master, it is essential to foster a no-blame culture. Remember, when the team encounters setbacks, the responsibility is collective, and the focus should always be on learning and improving, not finger-pointing. When corrective feedback is necessary, do so privately and constructively, aiming to understand and support rather than blame.

Understand the team’s current hurdles. Instead of solving problems single-handedly, bring ideas to the table and encourage the team to make decisions collaboratively. The best solutions often emerge from team brainstorming.

Aim to cultivate a professional environment where team members are motivated by a shared sense of achievement and pride in their work. If there’s indifference about the quality of work, it’s crucial to tackle this issue early on.


My journey from software developer to Scrum Master has been a humbling experience filled with growth and learning. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my team and help them succeed. I believe that with dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to continuous improvement, anyone can transition into new roles and embrace multiple responsibilities in their career.

As I continue to learn and grow in this role, I look forward to supporting others on their journey and working together to achieve even greater success. If you’re considering a similar path, remember to prioritize tasks, delegate when necessary, and involve your team in decision-making processes. Embrace the learning opportunities that come with the role and strive constantly for improvement.
Being a Scrum Master is a rewarding journey that requires adaptability, collaboration, and a desire to help others succeed.
Julius Baer is committed to providing opportunities for employees to explore various roles and responsibilities, enabling them to gain a broader perspective, understand different aspects of the business, and grow both professionally and personally.

