Marketing to Millennials & Gen-Z: YMS Recap

Julius Blog (Influencer Marketing Platform)
1 min readOct 5, 2017

This week we participated at Voxburner’s YMS (Youth Marketing Strategy 2017), conference which was held at Brooklyn’s trendy Industry City. During the intense two days thought leaders, brands and agencies came together to discuss their experiences and strategies for marketing to and with millennials and Gen Z’ers. Brands such as Chegg, Zoomph, UCA, and yours truly (Julius) had booths within the venue to share information and network with attendees. Conversations were had, donuts were eaten, and plenty of swag handed out.

Not only were attendees able to network and learn about brands, but there was a well thought out agenda with insightful panels sharing insights and learnings about the evolving market from every perspective. Using #YMS17, attendees were busy tweeting out quotes, photos, and things they took away from the panels. It was very interactive.

Our panel, Consumer Psychology & the Rise of Digital Influencer Marketing, was moderated by our VP of Sales and Customer Success Bryn Caruso, and included Tom De Napoli from Viacom Velocity, Joy Peabody from Estee Lauder, Ellyn Fisher from Ad Council, and Effortlyss founder/influencer Alyssa Bossio. The panelists shared thoughts on how it’s been shaping product launches, business and their marketing strategies overall.

In case you missed it, you can watch it on our Facebook below!



Julius Blog (Influencer Marketing Platform)

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