“Talk to my agent”

Julius Blog (Influencer Marketing Platform)
2 min readFeb 20, 2017

For more information about Julius or our blog, please contact Russell Wilde Jr.

By: Ryan McKenna

If you’ve ever seen the movie, Jerry McGuire, you surely remember the iconic phrase, “Show me the money!” that Cuba Gooding Jr. and Tom Cruise’s characters incessantly shouted at one another. Although the movie did a good job introducing the representation business to the world, what many people don’t realize is that contract negotiation is a very small part of being a talent agent.

In order for talent agencies to stay relevant, competitive, and continue to succeed in signing new talent or influencers as clients, they must have a 360-degree approach to marketing their clients “off the field/movie screen”. The ability to bring in commercial endorsements, paid social campaigns, and various appearances is what attracts talent to certain agencies. This continues to grow in importance as brands have recognized the value in investing more resources and money in the influencer marketing space.

The Agency Relations team here at Julius works with talent agencies, managers, and even influencers directly to ensure they are utilizing our platform to their advantage. Having spoken with hundreds of agents and talent representatives over the last few years, the one question often asked is “What are the brands and subscribers of Julius looking for the most from talent?”

Although this is sometimes a tough question to answer broadly, we usually explain that the importance of digital and social campaigns continues to rise for brands. Nowadays brands are seeing more ROI on integrated social campaigns, rather than just a standard meet & greet type of appearance. We stress to talent reps that making sure their clients are available for paid social campaigns will help to exponentially grow their commercial appeal and portfolio. With influencer marketing industry exploding as the social/digital media age also continues to grow, talent agencies will have to continue to adapt to this to stay competitive in the often cutthroat talent representation industry.

If you are an influencer or represent talent and would like to learn more about the Julius platform, please feel free to reach out to Ryan McKenna.

Julius is an influencer marketing platform leveraged by brand and agency marketers to connect with creators and manage campaigns.

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Julius Blog (Influencer Marketing Platform)

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