The Top 5 Online Video Content Trends in 2017

Julius Blog (Influencer Marketing Platform)
5 min readJan 4, 2017

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By: Stefanie LaHart

We are now watching up to 6 hours week of online video according to the latest studies and that number could double in the coming year. Let’s face it, some really, really big changes have taken place in the last 10 years in the way we communicate and discover information. Online video is now leading the way with live broadcast, streaming services, and on demand portals.

Social media did not start this video talking revolution, but can be seen as more of an evolution of the highly structured and trafficked old school BBS boards and first gen chat rooms. Humans are a chatty bunch and when you get 2 or more together there is usually instant conversation even if it starts with a banal ‘how are you’ question.

So, as we find new ways to connect and find out how are you, our technology has moved at super speed to keep up and what was first a text chat in black and white has now become content saturated in technicolor experiences of images, dialogue and video as far as the eye can see. Being the technology junkie I am, I can’t wait to see what our digital life develops for 2017.

When you look at the social media video platforms that have emerged overnight and in some cases dissolved overnight ( bye bye BLAB) it could be safe to say that whether or not you are ready for your close up be grateful that filters can fix what bad lighting ruins because online video is how we are making the biggest leaps in human connection .

These are the top 5 online video content trends I am keeping my eye on for 2017.

1.The WATCH ME Trend or when the simple life is not so simple streaming 24/7

We are all reality stars now. You can thank/blame JenniCam. What? You don’t know JenniCam? Jenni was the first reality show/YouTube style star before the creators of YouTube were zygotes. Google this one right now because we are talking breaking the internet in 1996 by kissing her boyfriend on camera. The girl single-handedly created the obsession for live streaming and she didn’t even have broadband. So, while back then you did need the technical chops to pull off a live broadcast, now it is a simple as logging into Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. All the social media sites piled on to this one in 2016. Thanks Jenni! I loved your show/life.

2. The LISTEN TO ME Trend or when there is always an educator in the room

We are all authorities on something even when it is as simple as tying your shoe. *Hey wait, that is a great educational video for kids. I bet someone has done that already on YouTube.* More than likely, you have already seen the plethora of online training and education offerings that are so popularly advertised on Facebook ads and the Google ad network. There is a class for everyone and everything. Most of my personal browser searches these days start with ‘How Do I,’ so it is no wonder that when I tested my shoe tying example I got approximately 222,000 video results to start.

3. The TRAIN WITH ME Trend or when the the guru demonstrates to educate

I tend to think that the food and fitness categories built the YouTube empire, with the beauty bloggers not far behind, because show and tell is really one of the best ways we learn. I won’t even bother to search this topics to give you an example because the results would be immense but suffice to say that the fitness, meditation and mindset categories will continue to enjoy a never tiring audience that craves the newest methods to transform the body and expand the mind. If only Timothy Leary had stuck around for this one, his video content would have been EPIC!

4. The DON’T FOLLOW ME Trend or when social is only for social sake

Rare is the phrase heard anymore “I don’t know or have *insert a social media site here*.” If you have read my other blogs, then you may remember that even my Maasai warriors in Kenya were all up on their Facebook and What’s APP while we were 4 wheeling across the Maasai Mara National Reserve this past Summer. And while social media has infiltrated every community on some level it’s unbelievable to me not everyone is in love with it. But that is not to say they ignore or do not take part in it. There are still reluctant users that would happily delete their Twitter account, but choose to take part in it because, well, it is easier to stay connected that way and less annoying to explain its absence.

5. The FEEL ME FEEL YOU Trend or when the global experience propagates new consciousness

I have more Googling for you to do because Sense8 is getting it right. If you have not watched or heard of Sense8 on Netflix then you let me clue you in on the gist right now. We as conscious human beings through this vast digital array of wired networks and Bluetooth dreams are creating a new sense of connection that goes way beyond what we originally identified as community, family, tribe, society or whatever other terms we have created to describe the human condition. This is the big one here, as we become more interconnected in our thoughts, experiences, and perceptions we are building a new level of communication that defies qualification as mere online video content; however it becomes the underlying mesh that promotes the growth of the next steps in verbal, nonverbal and written evolution. Mind blown here. We are creating the hive brain.

Start using online video now to connect customer with your business through expert story telling and personal connection conversation starters. Download my free guide for Killer Online Video Content Creation Ideas for Small Businesses to learn what stories get the attention of your customers.

Cheers! Stefanie

Stefanie LaHart is president of BoomTown Marketing where as a professional conversationalist she spends her mornings breaking a sweat at the gym and the rest of the day building bottom lines for fitness studios, sports brands and and health & wellness facilities. She uses proven online marketing strategies with a creative edge and crafts social media stories to help her clients engage their customers and get results.

Julius is an influencer marketing platform that provides marketers with rich social data, advanced search capabilities, and the campaign management tools required to organize a successful influencer marketing strategy.

Request a demo of the Julius influencer marketing software, or read more about digital creators on our influencer marketing blog.



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