11 Questions for You to Expect on the Day of Judgement

We will surely question those who received messengers and We will question the messengers themselves. Then We will give them a full account with sure knowledge — for We were never absent. And the weighing of deeds that Day will be the truth. So those whose scales are heavy — it is they who will be successful. And those whose scale is light, have doomed themselves for wrongfully denying Our signs. And surely, We gave you the authority on earth and appointed provisions for your livelihood. Yet, little thanks do you give. — Qur’an 7[Al-A’raf]:6–10

Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Jumah Nugget
9 min readFeb 17, 2023


One of the greatest favors bestowed upon us as Muslims is the guidance to Islam. Yet little thanks do we give for this blessing which we never asked for. This is one faith that guides you through all facets of life. Allah favored the Muslims with a prophet who was a teacher, a warner, and a bearer of glad tidings. Imagine this scenario where Allah entrusted you with life as a test — in order to pass the examination. Then, your teacher tells you the questions and answers ahead of time to prepare and avert failure. What’s left for you is only to write down the correct answers in your booklets. Hence, your fate lies in your hands. So, consider your Islam, not as a favor to Allah but it’s you who is benefiting through this guidance.

Using this examination scenario, we find mankind falling under three distinct categories vis-à-vis:

  • The first category: Those who didn’t believe there was an upcoming examination. Hence, they didn’t prepare and they suffered during the test and will face the penultimate consequences of their failure. Among these are those who disbelieve in the Oneness of Allah, belied the messengers and have doubts about the day of reckoning.
  • The second category: They believed there was an upcoming examination but delayed the preparation by not practicing. Hence, they equally suffered during the test and as well after. Among these are those who believe in Allah, but disobeyed his injunctions. They equally failed to repent before death beaconed upon them.
  • The third category: These we’re the only saved group. They believed an examination was upcoming and prepared adequately for it. They prospered and were victorious with flying colors. These are the ones who believed in Allah and pushed forth good deeds before it was too late. They equally feared the meeting with their Lord, hence they strove not to disobey Him, and they were successful.

In this analogy, the teacher is none but our noble prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. He gave us guidance from His Lord on what is right and what isn’t. A role model who lived an exemplary life worthy of emulation. The examination is an inescapable interrogation that we’d all experience in the court of Allah. Every one of us is a student of life, going through the pre-test at the moment — we ask Allah to grant us a good ending. No one will deny that he’s not heard this message of Islam. Therefore, there will be no excuse on that day when we shall be questioned. And as for the questions, here’s a sneak peek at what to expect as gathered from the Qur’an and Sunnah:

  1. Your Solat: Verily, we shall be questioned about our prayers. The timing, bowing, prostration, concentration etcetera. This is why it’s important to take the solat seriously and strive to pray in accordance with how the prophet did. If it was performed correctly, then you’d be good. And if otherwise, then you’re surely doomed.

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The first action for which a servant of Allah will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection will be his prayers. If they are in order, he will have prospered and succeeded. If they are lacking, he will have failed and lost. If there is something defective in his obligatory prayers, then the Almighty Lord will say: See if My servant has any voluntary prayers that can complete what is insufficient in his obligatory prayers. The rest of his deeds will be judged the same way.” — At-Tirmidhi

2. Your Blessings and Delight: Each and every one of us have been blessed one way or the other. And Allah will question us about these blessings which many of us take for granted. The food, the breath of fresh air, sound health, and the minute ones which we took for granted. How did we get to know this? …

Abu Huraira (RA) reported that Allah’s Messenger peace be upon him went out (of his house) one day or one night, and there he found Abu Bakr and Umar also. He (ﷺ) said: What has brought you out of your houses at this hour? They said: Allah’s Messenger, it is hunger. He said: By Him in Whose Hand is my life, what has brought you out has brought me out too; get up. They got up along with him. and (all of them) came to the house of an Ansari, but he was not at home. When his wife saw him, she said: Most welcome, and Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said to her: Where is so and so? She said: He has gone to get some water for us. When the Ansari came, and he saw Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) and his two Companions, he said: Praise be to Allah, no one has more honorable guests today than I (have). He then brought them a bunch of ripe dates, dry dates, and fresh dates and said: Eat some of them. He then took hold of his long knife (for slaughtering a goat or a sheep). Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said to him: Beware of killing a milch animal. He slaughtered a sheep for them. After they had eaten of it and of the bunch and drank, and when they had taken their fill and had been fully satisfied with the drink, Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said to Abu Bakr and Umar: By Him in Whose Hand is my life, you will certainly be questioned about this bounty on the Day of judgment. Hunger brought you out of your house, then you did not return until this bounty came to you. — Sahih Muslim

Allah said: Then, on that Day, you will definitely be questioned about your worldly pleasures.” — Qur’an 102[At-Takathur]:7

And as for the next five questions, we shall refer to them in the following hadith below and mention them in bits thereafter.

Ibn Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The son of Adam will not be dismissed from his Lord on the Day of Resurrection until he is questioned about five matters: his life and how he lived it, his youth and how he expended it, his wealth and how he earned it and he spent it, and how he acted upon his knowledge.” — At-Tirmidhi

3. Your life and how you used it: Many of us think we were just created for play and amusement. We go vibing, catching cruises with incessant hope and waste of time. Forgetting that we’re accountable for every minute we spend on earth. This is to remind us of our purpose in life and we shall be asked if we fulfilled it:

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. I seek no provision from them, nor do I need them to feed Me. Verily, Allâh is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong. — Qur’an 51[Adh-Dhariyat]:56–58

4. Your youth and how you spent it: That period of youthfulness when you had strength and desire, how did you behave? Did you channel your energy toward worshiping Allah or you indulged in His disobedience? This period of a peak in strength will be questioned on the last day.

5. Your wealth and how we earned it: We live in a period where the opportunity for making money is overflowing. Ponzi schemes, interest, and corrupt practices are disguised as norms for conformity. How much concerned are you about how you acquire your wealth? This is indeed a question to be wary of.

6. Your wealth and how we spent it: Acquiring wealth is one aspect, the other is also how you spent it. Allah will ask you about these possessions — did you feed the hungry or help the needy? Were you just amassing the wealth for your next generational offspring?

The mutual rivalry (for piling up of worldly things) diverts you, Until you visit the graves (i.e. till you die). Nay! You shall come to know! Again nay! You shall come to know! — Qur’an 102[At-Takathur]:1–4

7. Your knowledge and how you acquired it: Knowledge is a trust and a criterion between truth and falsehood. This is why knowledge isn’t beneficial until you understand and implement it in your life. Many of us must have heard a series of lectures or read articles reminding us about Allah and preparation to meet Him. For this reason, we have no excuse. Now is the time to take action on the things you’ve learned. Did you also learn it the right way by not cheating others? These are questions worthy of contemplation.

˹Are they better˺ or those who worship ˹their Lord˺ devoutly in the hours of the night, prostrating and standing, fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of their Lord? Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” None will be mindful of this except people of reason. — Qur’an39[Az-Zumar]:9

The last five questions also resonate with the prophetic admonition of taking advantage of five opportunities before five calamities strike.

8. Your senses and how you used them: Of all creatures, Allah fashioned humans in the best of forms and endowed them with intellectual capacity and a robust body system. Allah will question us about our senses and body parts: the sight, hearing, and reasoning faculty. How did we use them and what did we use them for?

And follow not that of which you have no knowledge. Verily! The hearing, the sight, and the heart, each of them will be questioned. — Qur’an 17[Al-I’sra]:36

9. How did you react to an evil situation?: Today, many of us see evil being committed in society and don’t even care. And this has been one of the major causes for which injustice and immorality have been widespread on the land. For this reason, Allah gave us a call to order:

And let there arise from you a nation inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and they will be those who are successful — Qur’an 3[Al-Imran]:104

10. Your Response to the call: For every nation was sent a messenger and the questioning about the messenger will commence from the grave. No one will deny that they’ve never heard about Allah, the Qur’an prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, or even the message of Islam. It’s important to yield to the call before it’s too late.

And remember the Day (Allâh) will call them, and say: “What response did you give to the Messengers?” They will be too dumbstruck on that Day to ask one another for answers — Qur’an 28[Al-Qassas]:65–66

11. About your affairs at large: So if after all these have been said and you still have doubts, be sure that all of your affairs, in general, will be reckoned on the last day. The prophet peace be upon him in his farewell message mentioned to the people: “you’re going to meet your Lord and you shall be questioned about what you used to do”.

So by your Lord, We will surely question them all, about what they used to do — Qur’an 15[Al-Hijr]:93–94

These are some of the things about which people will be asked on the Day of Resurrection. So the wise person is one who is keen to save himself and should prepare answers to these questions. The preparation is not by memorization but by doing acts of righteousness with sincerity. And ask Allah to pardon you for your misdeeds when you fall short. Now, the big question is what have you prepared for this great day? May Allah grant us the ability to do good acceptable deeds and take our souls when He’s pleased with us. Amin!

PS: Success comes only by the will of Allah! If you find this piece beneficial, it’s by Allah’s Grace. It’s no scholarly work and we accept our mistakes. Suggestions are welcomed in making this effort better as well. You are free to share by any means for enlightenment purposes. Kindly give a “click-clap” to enable other readers on Medium to see this post. We ask Allah to keep us guided and steadfast upon the right path. Kindly subscribe to Jum’ah Nugget so as to get our next publication in sha Allah!

Yaumul Jum’ah 26th Rajab 1444H // Friday 17th Febuary 2023.



Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Jumah Nugget

I am a Learner, Writer, Teacher. #DeenCentric #Solopreneur #TechEnthusiast. Follow my podcast “Pure Masculinity” on Apple Podcast, YouTube, & Spotify.