What If You Dislike a Thing Which is Good for You?

“… And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.” — Qur’an 2[AI-Baqarah]: 216

Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Jumah Nugget
5 min readFeb 23, 2018


Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Life is a beautiful sojourn of trials. So long as you have blood flowing in your veins, you will be tested — the good way, the bad way. No one has ever had it all the way positive in life. We sometimes fall ill, get broke or even heart-broken. The same way life can never be a 100% miserable, there will always be a time to smile. Real wisdom lies in a person knowing that misfortune can lead to a desirable thing. Either ways, that which is desirable can as well be a source of misfortune. This assertion helps man against the harm that can come from delight. Hence, he’d not lose hope of delight coming from harm. We know not the outcome of things accurately; for God Alone is the All-Knowing, the All-Aware.

There’s nothing more appealing and beneficial to the believer than abiding by God’s injunctions, even if it is difficult for him to implement. Reasons being that he believes in the Supremacy of God’s decree over his personal whims. In addition, he finds all outcomes as good, delightful, and pleasurable. He sees nothing more harmful for him other than transgressing the limits set by His Lord, even if he loves it dearly. Wisdom lies in knowing fully well that everything unlawful comes with grief, sorrow and misfortune. If we bear this in mind, it would be easier for us to go on with our daily pursuit without a “do or die” mentality.

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: I am amazed by the believer. Verily, Allah does not decree anything for the believer except what is good for him. — [Musnad Ahmad]

Destiny — A fundamental Belief

As Muslims, it is prerequisite to believe in the divine pre-ordainment. The concept of destiny entails a firm believe in “what will be, will be.” This was well depicted in the hadith of Abu al-‘Abbas ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) as reported below:

“One day I was riding behind the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, when he said, ‘O Young man! I will teach you some words. Be mindful of God, and He will take care of you. Be mindful of Him, and you shall find Him at your side. If you ask, ask of God. If you need help, seek it from God. Know that if the whole world were to gather together in order to help you, they would not be able to help you except if God had written so. And if the whole world were to gather together in order to harm you, they would not harm you except if God had written so. The pens have been lifted, and the pages are dry.’ ” — [At-Tirmidhi]

A firm believe in destiny averts the whispering from shaytan, the feeling of remorse and the saying of ‘had I known…’ Man was created weak without the knowledge of the unknown for if he had known, he would have transgressed far beyond his limits.

Istikhara to the Rescue

Solatul-Istikhaara is a prayer of guidance performed at the time of indecision. This is as recommended by the noble Messenger of God. There’s really no one who does it the right way that doesn’t see light at the end of the tunnel. At worse, it would lead to an expression of gratitude.

The prayer doesn’t entail seeing something in your dreams after observing it. This is a popular belief which is not a sine qua non to acceptance. In addendum, you don’t have to consult someone to do it for you; it’s a DIY thing. So, to save yourself the headache from worry and grief, just consult Allah on every important matter in your life. Then patiently wait to see what the outcome will birth.

Gratitude in All Ramifications

It was reported that whenever the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) saw anything he disliked, he would say: All praise is due to Allah in every circumstance. This is a statement of gratitude and glorification to the One Who is able to do all things. As followers of the messenger, we should also abide by this noble trait.

Ash-Sha’bi reported: Shuraih, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

Verily, if I am afflicted with a calamity, then I praise Allah four times. I praise him that it was not worse than it was. I praise him when he provides me patience to bear it. I praise him when he guides me to supplicate appropriately and hoping for reward, and I praise him for not making it a calamity in my religion.

Source: Siyar A’lam An-Nubula 4/105

May your Road be Rough?

Now you know for sure that there will be challenges and trials for the believer. Perhaps it is in difficulty that your strength and power will come shinning through. Hardship is never meant to break you. Even in the darkest moments, there will be unexpected light to see through. Try to strive hard and never give up — you’re not alone on your struggle, Allah is with you. Keep a ray of hope that victory comes with patience and after every hardship there’s ease. This is the sunnah of Allah and let there be no change to His will.

We shall certainly test you with fear and hunger, and loss of property, lives, and crops. But give good news to those who are steadfast. Those who say, when afflicted with a calamity, ‘We belong to God and to Him we shall return.’ These will be given blessings and mercy from their Lord, and it is they who are rightly guided. — Qur’an 2[Al-Baqarah]:155–157

PS : Success comes only by the will of God! If you find this piece beneficial, it’s by His Grace. It’s no scholarly work and we accept our mistakes. Suggestions are welcomed in making this effort better as well. You are free to share by any means for enlightenment purpose. Kindly give a “click-clap” to enable other readers on Medium see this post. We ask Allah to keep us guided and steadfast upon the right path. We hope you’d read from us again next time in sha Allah!



Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Jumah Nugget

I am a Learner, Writer, Teacher. #DeenCentric #Solopreneur #TechEnthusiast. Follow my podcast “Pure Masculinity” on Apple Podcast, YouTube, & Spotify.