Why Gratitude is the Only Solution to Life Cravings

And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: “If you give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshiping none but Allah), I will give you more (of My Blessings), but if you are thankless (i.e. disbelievers), verily! My Punishment is indeed severe.”. — Qur’an 14[Ibrahim]:7

Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Jumah Nugget
5 min readJul 6, 2018


Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

We all go through life trials, but the degree of affliction is what differs among individuals. The best of mankind and the most beloved to the Creator — Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was tested severely. Part of this ordeal was narrated in Suratul Duha — Qur’an chapter 93. Allah reminded the prophet about his state and how gratitude was the ideal solution to those challenges.

The surah was revealed in a difficult period during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad. In it, he was given a sigh of hope by reminiscing the favors Allah bestowed upon him. Three events heralded the early years of the Messenger and these metaphorically translate to many Muslims as well. Firstly the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was an orphan and Allah granted him refuge. Secondly, he was given guidance despite being unread. And finally, he was poor and Allah enriched him through his wife Khadijah. Allah reminded him that he was never forsaken in the past nor would he be forgotten in the future. The chapter then concludes with Allah asking him to express gratitude by proclaiming the grace of His Lord.

Gratitude helps us make the required shift needed. It consequently helps us to acquire more good, more love, more joy, more money, as well as better health and blissful relationships in life. Gratitude is one of the easiest and most frequently used methods to alter the signals one is emitting. What we need to master is the attitude of gratitude — the attitude of appreciating everything in life. Gratitude is a fruit of great cultivation that elongates life and you rarely find it with gross people.

A Reflective Story on Gratitude

A rich man looked through his window and saw a poor man picking something from his dustbin. He then said, Alhamdulillah I’m not poor! The poor man looked around and saw a naked man misbehaving on the street. He then said, Alhamdulillah I’m not mad! The mad man looked ahead and saw an ambulance carrying a patient. He then said, Alhamdulillah I am not sick! Then a sick person in the hospital saw a trolley rolling a dead body to the mortuary. He then said, Alhamdulillah I’m not dead.

The reality of life is we often look at people ahead or better than us but when we look at those we are better-off than, we will surely give thanks. Gratitude is much more of a reflection on the blessings and favors bestowed upon you as a believer. And if we count the blessings of Allah, never will we be able to account for it or replace it.

A scholar once said: “the value of life is best understood by frequently visiting three places — the hospital, the prison and the cemetery. The hospital helps you to realize that nothing is more beautiful than a sound health. In visiting the Prison, you’d discover that freedom is a precious asset we often take for granted. And the cemetery exposes you to the fact that life is worth nothing”.

Gratitude is a Quality of the Successful Ones

Abdullah Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “There are four qualities, whoever is given them has truly been given the best in this world and the next. They are: a grateful heart (that is thankful to Allah), a remembering tongue (that mentions Allah often), an enduring body (to persevere through the trials), and a faithful wife.”

Here are a few distinctive ways to express gratitude:

  1. Realization at heart: No one exists on earth as a single entity. We all enjoy from the mercy of Allah. The air we breathe and water we drink are a few from the favors of our Lord. We need to acknowledge this in our hearts and express gratitude by submitting to Allah.

Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you deny? — Quran 55[Ar-Rahman]:55

2. Expression with the tongue: This involves proclaiming the praises of Allah, such as utterance of tahmid — Alhamdulillah. This also includes expressing gratitude to those who do good to us and saying kind words to those who intend to harm to us.

3. Practicing with the limbs: This is fulfilled by using the body organs to do good deeds. Whenever Allah blesses us with something, it’s expected that we use it in the worship of Allah and to the benefit of humanity.

4. Keeping a gratitude journal: For everyday we live, it’s another favor from the One Who breathe life into our soul. So we should reflect on the blessings of Allah and write down in clear terms the things we are grateful for. This may include the gift of life, sound health, and peace of mind. The more we do this, the more things fall in line for us.

5. Showing humility: When Allah blesses you, do not look down upon people with pride. It’s not a time to improve your standard of living but increase your standard of giving. Ingratitude leads to arrogance and its a trait of the people of the fire.

In sum, whatever condition you find yourself, always thank Allah.

PS : Success comes only by the will of Allah! If you find this piece beneficial, it’s by His Grace. It’s no scholarly work and we accept our mistakes. Suggestions are welcomed in making this effort better as well. You are free to share by any means for enlightenment purpose. Kindly give a “click-clap” to enable other readers on Medium see this post. We ask Allah to keep us guided and steadfast upon the right path. We hope you’d read from us again next time in sha Allah!



Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Jumah Nugget

I am a Learner, Writer, Teacher. #DeenCentric #Solopreneur #TechEnthusiast. Follow my podcast “Pure Masculinity” on Apple Podcast, YouTube, & Spotify.