NEAR-Native Jumbo Accelerator Program — PitchTalk!

Jumbo Protocol
Jumbo DEX
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2022

We are excited to unveil the very new plane of the NEAR ecosystem growth developed by the Jumbo Exchange Team — PitchTalk!

What is PitchTalk?

PitchTalk in a nutshell is an independent platform for Live Presentations of projects for potential investors. It enables ANY project to launch a campaign, attract investors, provide updates on the development and initiate a fundraising.

PitchTalk is thought of as an ungoverned and self-sustaining decentralized platform that empowers growth through cleverly designed structure that focuses on viability and organically generated interest!

How does it work?

PitchTalk crystallizes the essence of fundraising/informing by providing a unique format of Pitching.

Pitch is essentially when a project decides to launch their campaign on PitchTalk. Every potential investor is able to in real-time (as well as in recording) observe the Pitch. At any point in time, an investor is able to invest a certain amount that will also be displayed on the interface.

In this way, PitchTalk facilitates a more direct connection between investors both retail and Venture Capital whilst getting rid of the veil that is present in traditional Fundraising!

Summing up the basic functionality of PitchTalk:

There are three Pitches available for each project.

  • Intro Pitch — the very basic overview of a project and the vision behind it. No investments are accepted during this stage
  • Update Pitch — this section focuses more on the core idea, ways of delivering and setting expectations. Retail Investors are able to invest directly during this stage!
  • Investors Pitch — designed to be a capital investor section where entrepreneurs can pitch their ideas and vision directly to VCs. VCs can invest directly via PitchTalk!

PitchTalk has a calendar function that is visible to anyone interested in a specific project. Project owners can schedule each pitch for a specific date and time fitting to them!

After all of the Pitches are concluded, invested amounts are automatically converted to a specific token of a given project.

Authorization for both investors and Talkers are done via Wallet Selector on NEAR Blockchain!

Main Features

  • Disruptive Way of initiating Fundraising and Raising Interest!
  • No obstacles in starting a campaign. Start your Pitch and let everyone know what is it you and your team is building
  • Let everyone know about anything you wish they should know about: White paper, features, social media channels, latest features; everything in one neat sleek package to showcase the worth of your creation!
  • Update your investors on what you are working on, have already released or show off your ambitious roadmap. Every investor will know about it in an instant with the help of a user-friendly and simple interface of PitchTalk!
  • All of the investments are carried out on-chain! Visibility and transparency are the key features of PitchTalk. Thanks to NEAR Blockchain it also is seamless and fast
  • Post and share videos and other materials relevant to the development of your project in real-time. Let everyone know what you are cooking behind the scenes!

Hackathon, Grants, and VC Partners!

In the coming weeks we will be delighted to announce a slew of very exciting news about PitchTalk including facilitation of Hackathon projects, special grants for PitchTalkers, and VC Partners that will form the backbone of the platform!

Stay tuned for more information and thrilling developments coming your way. Let’s build together!

