PembRock Finance and JUMBO Exchange. Listing and farming pool

Jumbo Protocol
Jumbo DEX
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2022

A new day, a new collaboration. This time we’ll be sharing a partnership with PembRock, the first high yield farming application on the NEAR protocol. More liquidity for higher yields — all on the NEAR blockchain!

About PembRock

PembRock Finance is an app that provides the opportunity to farm with leveraged funds, increasing your share by leveraging and maximizing profits. Development and evolution takes place with the community at the helm, supported by the NEAR Foundation, which provides grants to developers wishing to expand the NEAR ecosystem with new financial tools. PembRock is rigorously audited and security tested before being deployed on the core network.

The JUMBO Exchange and PembRock collaboration provides users with new opportunities for liquidity, leveraged farming. Fast, secure, cheap and convenient for blockchain users.

More about PembRock you can read in docs.

What about farming

Yield farming (or just farming) is the process of using decentralized finance (DeFi) to maximize returns. Users lend or borrow crypto on a DeFi platform and earn cryptocurrency in return for their services. More about farming here.

You can very easily and conveniently use the farming feature in just a few clicks. Farming is available directly from your smartphone, the function is fully optimized for this.

To become a real farmer you need to:

  1. link your NEAR wallet;
  2. go to the Pools section;
  3. choose the subsection Farming;
  4. select the active pool JUMBO/PembRock;
  5. get shares by adding liquidity to the JUMBO/PembRock pool by clicking «Stake» → «Get share»;
  6. stake tokens in farming.

That’s all, it’s done! An extended farming guide is here.

The reward will be in PembRock and JUMBO tokens!

To get it you need to click «Claim» in the selected pool or «Unstake & Claim» if you want to withdraw all tokens from farming. Then by clicking «Claim all» you take all tokens from each pool to your wallet.

We try our best to give you the ultimate DEX user experience with 🐘 JUMBO Exchange.

