Stader and JUMBO Exchange. Farming pool is open

Jumbo Protocol
Jumbo DEX
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2022

New collaboration with multi-chain liquid staking platform @staderlabs & one more farm on JUMBO Exchange.

Stader is a multi-chain liquid staking contract infrastructure platform. Having first launched on Terra 1.0, the protocol reached a TVL of $1Bn+ with 35000+ wallets staking with it at its peak. Stader’s liquid staking solution is now present across Hedera, Polygon, Bnb, Fantom,& Terra 2.0. with a current TVL of ~ $80M+ .

Stader’s liquid staking solution, NearX, is going live on the NEAR Protocol on 9th August at 4 pm UTC. The NearX token has been audited by Halborn, one of the leading cyber security firms in the Web3 space. A second audit with BlockSec, the leading auditor for NEAR protocol, is currently underway. With NearX, users will get the opportunity to earn supercharged APY with $150K per month in staking and LP rewards at launch. This will allow early stakers to earn ~300% APY on NearX. Stader is also charging a 0% protocol fee in the first 2 months post launch.

Stader’s goal is to maximize TVL and growth for the NEAR and Aurora ecosystems. To achieve this goal, they are willing to leverage Stader’s native SD token to incentivize users with support from the DEX’s through dual incentives.

First Batch of Rewards: $100 worth of SD tokens per day and $200 worth of Jumbo tokens in rewards on the Near<>NearX LP on Jumbo.

JUMBO : SD ratio = 2:1.

The target LP size is $1 Mn.

What about farming

Yield farming (or just farming) is the process of using decentralized finance (DeFi) to maximize returns. Users lend or borrow crypto on a DeFi platform and earn cryptocurrency in return for their services. More about farming here.

You can very easily and conveniently use the farming feature in just a few clicks. Farming is available directly from your smartphone and the function is fully optimized for this.

To become a real farmer you need to:

  1. Link your NEAR wallet. Ensure you have wNear & NearX in your wallet.
  2. If you don’t have wNear, swap your Near to wNear on Jumbo —
  3. Click on «Pool» tab & select the subsection «Farming»
  4. If you already hold liquidity and LP tokens for the NearX/wNear pool,
  5. Select the active pool NearX/wNear & click on «Stake» ;
  6. If you don’t have the LP shares,
  7. Select the active pool NearX/wNear & click on «Stake» ;
  8. click on «Get Shares»
  9. Enter the amount of NearX you want to provide as liquidity.
  10. Click on «Add liquidity» & approve the transaction on your Near wallet
  11. You will get the LP shares
  12. Again go the active pool NearX/wNear & click on «Stake»
  13. Enter the number of LP shares you want to stake & click «Stake»

You LP shares have been staked & you will start receiving the dual incentives

That’s all, it’s done!

An extended farming guide to claim your dual incentives is here:

  1. Click «Claim» in the selected pool or «Unstake & Claim» if you want to withdraw all tokens from farming
  2. Then by clicking «Claim all» you take all tokens from each pool to your wallet.

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