The 7 Workplace Skills You’ll Need to Succeed Post-Pandemic

Georgia Howard
Published in
7 min readNov 23, 2020

The Impact of Covid-19 on The Workplace

While life for many of us has been put on pause, we’re left wondering what a post-pandemic world will look like.

There are lots of unknowns, but one thing’s for certain: things will never be entirely the same again, especially in the working world.

But this isn’t a bad thing.

With the pandemic already reshaping the way the workplace operates, we need to start preparing ourselves.

How? By building and developing on the workplace skills that employers will be searching for post-pandemic.

We’ve done our research, and found the 7 workplace skills that we expect will beessential for workers in a post-pandemic working world.

The 7 Workplace Skills You’ll Need

1. Tech Skills

Even before Coronavirus, tech skills were very important.

However the pandemic has influenced an accelerated need for digital skill sets.

Post-pandemic, employers will be investing in tech savvy people, to help make their businesses more resilient. Regardless of where your usual expertise lies, technologies such as web development, big data, artificial intelligence, digital marketing and codingare paramount right now, and will remain so in the future world of work.

In response to this demand, the government has launched The Skills Toolkit, an online campaign which offers free training courses to help you learn or develop your skill sets. These courses have been built to help candidates have prospects and get CV ready post-pandemic.

So, if you’re aren’t a tech wiz already (don’t worry — lots of us aren’t), start preparing yourself now by acquiring or improving on these technical skills.

2. Flexibility and Adaptability

If there’s something we’ve all had to get used to over the past few months, it’s being flexible and adaptable, not just at work, but in every aspect of our lives.

So, believe it or not, these are skills you’ve likely been improving on subconsciously, which is great! Employers are increasingly on the lookout for people who can move out of their comfort zone and accept change as an opportunity for growth.

Before the pandemic, being flexible and adaptable at work mainly meant being geographically mobile. Now, it’s about being able to work well under pressure, to adjust to unexpected deadlines, to have an open mindset, and to take on extra responsibilities when necessary.

When asked about the workplace skills that will be in high demand post-pandemic, Dennis Relojo-Howell, founder of psychology website Psychreg stated:

“With the increase of work-from-home arrangements, three skills come to mind: adaptability, trustworthiness, and time management. Leaders must focus on upskilling and reskilling existing workforce on the basis of the skills required to successfully execute the organisational aims.”

As businesses across the globe see a rise in the number of employees working from home, this new way of working is very likely to last after the pandemic has passed. So, being flexible, adaptable and accepting of change is vital.

3. Leadership

It’s not only people’s capability to perform at work that’s being tested during this pandemic.

It’s their leadership qualities too.

With more and more offices switching to working from home, excellent leadership skills are becoming essential. And, contrary to popular belief, it’s not only senior employees, team leaders and managers that will be expected to inspire and motivate in the post-pandemic working world.

Subsequent of the pandemic, teams are becoming more fluent and initiative is now something that is sought from everyone. You may not be technically responsible for ‘leading’ anyone, but you will be expected to effectively communicate your strategies and visions, to encourage others and to welcome feedback.

These skills are especially important when working from home, as displaying good leadership qualities from afar isn’t only difficult, it’s paramount in keeping everyone driven to work hard and achieve results.

On the subject of working from home, these tips for home working will help you to keep yourself motivated to perform at the top of your game.

4. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

The power of being emotionally intelligent should not be underestimated.

Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ) is the ability to notice your own emotions as well as the emotions of others, and to use them to guide your thinking and behaviour.

Having a high EQ means that you’re able to navigate challenging and difficult times more successfully. In the future, companies are bound to face more trying situations, so EQ is a critical skill to possess going into the next era of work.

As well as this, having or not having EQ is a massive differentiator when it comes to your remote work success. When working from home, maintaining strong professional ties, growing client relationships and supporting your coworkers are a few of the many aspects of work that become more difficult.

To be successful in all of these areas, your EQ has to be exceptional. Meaning, you have to be someone who’s self-aware, motivated, socially skilled and empathetic.

If you’re not sure where to start, the e-learning website Mind Tools has some excellent tips for developing your EQ, as well as an emotional intelligence quiz that you can take to help you self-evaluate where your EQ currently stands.

5. Complex Problem Solving

This year, we’ve all experienced first-hand how things don’t always go to plan.

With remote work increasing, the challenges we face are increasing also. As if face to face collaboration and communication isn’t hard enough sometimes, colleagues and team mates are now faced with doing this virtually.

Whether working in-office or from home, your basic problem solving skills remain the same. You’re expected to understand the cause of the problem, identify the most effective strategy to rectify the situation, and see the issue as a lesson and opportunity for growth.

The difference lies in the reality that, when working from home, you need to figure all of this out through a computer screen.

To help, here’s 7 tips for dealing with problems when you’re working from home.

Of course, you may not be a permanent home worker, but you’ll likely at times be required to work from home, or your work colleagues may be. Because of this, employers will be looking to hire people who can ensure operations run smoothly, whether in person or virtually.

6. Creativity and Innovation

In a post-pandemic working world, human creativity and innovation is going to be more essential than ever before.

With budgets tightening and a consciousness of expenditure being a focus for now and the foreseeable, employers will be looking for professionals who can be creative and find result-achieving solutions in spite of strained resources.

Over this past year, there have been some extraordinary instances of company innovation in response to the pandemic.

One example being the beer brewer Brewdog. Eager to use their in-house machinery to help, Brewdog remodelled their production lines to produce hand sanitizer, a product which early-pandemic was very low in stock but very high in demand.

I can say pretty positively that at the start of 2020, Brewdog likely weren’t expecting to begin producing sanitiser alongside their beer. But this unexpected opportunity for innovation has only served to boost the company’s success.

If you’re struggling to picture what being creative and innovative in your work would look like, this advice from chartered occupational psychologist Dr Maggie Evan will help you understand the steps you can take to improve your ingenuity, to be inventive, and to dream up new ways of working.

7. Data Literacy

Data is a key aspect of every company.

In an Experian study, results showed that 84% of businesses view data literacy as a key skill, and that within the next 5 years, all employees will need to have this skill in some capacity.

With the right data, companies can better serve customers with their products and services, as well as better predict the impact of any future business disturbances.

But of course, having this date is futile to a company unless there are people equipped with data literacy.

As a result of the pandemic, a culture of data-literacy is more appealing to prospective employers than ever before. And even way after coronavirus is gone, employers will be on the lookout for people equipped with the skills not only to understand data, but to make better decisions in response to it.

The Importance of Upskilling

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced a rethink on the operations of many parts of our society, including our approach to work.

Of course, I, nor anyone else can truly predict the future. But it’s highly likely that the post-covid workplace will demand these core skills listed above.

So, take the time now to hone in on these skills so that you’re ready to face the post-pandemic workplace head on.

Nobody knows everything — you and I included — so don’t be too hard on yourself if these are skills you’re yet to brush up on, but at the same time, don’t see acquiring them as the end-game.

Instead, commit to a lifetime of learning. This way, you’ll find you can always keep yourself relevant and at the top of your game in the working world.

Originally published at



Georgia Howard
Editor for

Career Tips, Marketing, Content Writing and more at Jump.