The 9 Questions You Should Ask in Your Job Interview

Georgia Howard
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2020

Asking Questions in a Job Interview

“ Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.. .”

Eminem probably wasn’t referring to job interviews when writing his Oscar-winning hit “Lose Yourself”. However, we can all relate to feeling one of (if not all) these symptoms before stepping into a job interview.

Fortunately, the remedy is pretty well-known, although quite hard to get right — preparation . There’s lots of ways to go about this, from to showing how you can add value, which all together can make you an interview pro. practicing competency questions

Here we’re going to focus on questions to ask in a job interview.

(Looking for common paralegal interview questions you may be asking? We’ve also got your back!)

Why is it Important to Ask Questions in a Job Interview?

That’s a good question. (Too obvious?) Not asking them is one of the big interview mistakes you can make.

Simply put, they’re a key part of wrapping up your interview and leaving a good impression. They can position you as a top candidate who’s done plenty of research, but also provide you with the information you need to make up your mind.

It also makes it more of a conversation with the interviewer, with your questions and follow-ups both giving them a chance to get to know you better, a particularly important point if you have a telephone interview.

To help guide you through this process, we’ve compiled some key questions to ask in your job interview to get a leg up on some of the competition.

That said, it is also important your questions reflect your genuine interests and concerns about the job. A new job, after all, is a big change.

So, with all that out of the way, here’s our 9 top questions to ask in an interview…

1: “What do the day to day responsibilities typically look like for this role?”

This first question is a great way to get a clear understanding of what the job will actually look like, and will help you make up your mind.

2: “Where do you think the company is headed in the next 5 years?”

Not only does this interview question show you are thinking about the future, but it will also give you a good idea of the company’s growth and where you could fit in.

Top Tip: This question is particularly relevant if you’re interviewing for a start-up or smaller business, as it shows an awareness of growth & development — two key factors to these types of companies.

3: “Could you talk to me more about your company culture? In particular…”

By mentioning one of their core values, you can demonstrate you’ve done your research and also how it resonates with you. Then, as you get an answer, you can also gauge if you’d be a good cultural fit (and vice versa!)

(For more on evaluating company culture, Glassdoor has some great advice).

4: “Who will I be working most closely with?”

This will give you an idea of the company’s structure as well as an insight into what team you might be involved with day-to-day.

5: “What does success look like in this role, and how do you define it?”

Asking this interview question can serve many purposes if you use it well.

First, it shows you’re performance-driven, which can help elevate you above other applicants.

Second, it gives you the chance to see how the company will measure your success, which is an indirect way to also understand if the role is right for you.

6: “What do you think are the most important qualities for someone to exceed in this role?”

Again, this interview question shows you’re focused on performance. But it also opens the door to important factors not mentioned in the job description that further help define what success will mean.

7: “What would you say are the most challenging aspects of this position?”

While it’s great to understand the good, it’s also important to discover the not-so-great things about the role. Every job has them, and they can often be a decisive factor not only in taking a new position, but also in your long-term satisfaction and success.

The added bonus here can be that, if relevant, it gives you the opportunity to point how you’ve dealt with similar challenges in the past.

8: “What is your favourite thing about working at this company?”

Don’t forget, your interviewer works there too! Find out how a current employee views the company, and gain further insight into the business and its culture.

9: “What are the next steps of the interview process?”

Finally, this interview question demonstrates that you’re eager to move forward and set the expectations of what comes next. And, just in case, it can give an indicator of when you might want to follow up on the outcome.

Feeling Ready For Your Interview?

And there you have it — 9 questions you can ask in a job interview that should really help you stand out.

They’re a great overview of some of the important issues you should cover, and should enable you to get a clearer picture of the job you’re applying for.

From what to expect in the role to who you might be working with, it also gives the clearest picture you can get if this role is right for you.

After all, as the interview experts Big Interview note, a job interview is a two-way street.

Of course, they are by no means exhaustive. And as mentioned at the start, your interview questions should also reflect what matters to you, ideally with follow-ups that make sure to fully address your questions and concerns.

However, your questions form only part of what is often the final hurdle of a job application. Your interview preparation should cover the entire process, from arrival to departure.

Luckily, we at Jump have the rest covered, from STAR-based interview tips to studying your CV.

We’ve gone to the effort to collate everything you’ll need to nail your interview, so you can avoid any weak knees or sweaty palms as the big day approaches.

Originally published at



Georgia Howard
Editor for

Career Tips, Marketing, Content Writing and more at Jump.