photo credit: Karsten Würth

A New Beginning is a Chance to Start Over

Melissa Chu
Jumpstart Your Dream Life


I love beginnings.

Beginnings of what, you wonder? Of anything, really. The first day of school. The first day of a holiday. The first time trying something new.

When you first start out, there are all these different stimuli that hit you right away. You look around in wonder, soaking in everything. It’s as if the sun is just rising.

When you begin, all the doors are open. Infinite possibilities lie ahead. Your future is a blank slate, yet to be written.

Nervousness mixes in with excitement. You feel unfamiliarity, uncertainty, maybe even fear. These emotions combine to create a rush, a thrill from being someplace new.

We usually assume that experts are superior to novices, since they know better. And that’s usually true. But in some unexpected ways, a beginner can have hidden advantages over an expert.

The Perspective of a Beginner

As a beginner, you don’t have preconceived notions about what is and what isn’t, what’s possible and what’s impossible. You don’t know the limits, you don’t know the rules.

Everyone who’s been somewhere awhile knows how things are “supposed” to be. They know what they can and cannot do. Their beliefs are set in stone, hardened by what they’ve…



Melissa Chu
Jumpstart Your Dream Life

I write about living better, creating great work, and making an impact. Get your guide to achieving your goals at