photo credit: Tim Goedhart

How to Breathe the Right Way: A Complete Guide

Reduce anxiety and lower your stress levels instantly.

Melissa Chu
Jumpstart Your Dream Life
5 min readApr 22, 2019


Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Breathe? I know how to breathe.”

It’s so easy, any animal on this planet can do it. After all, breathing is an automatic function.

And you would be right. But there’s a right way to breathe and a few ways you might be breathing ineffectively. Chances are, you might not be breathing properly.

Over time, you breathe a certain way. It can either be by inhaling too much air, taking shallow breaths, or unknowingly holding your breath. The way you breathe eventually becomes a habit.

Is the way you breathe just getting you by, or are you breathing in a way that optimizes how you work and perform?

Why Is Proper Breathing Important?

Improper breathing can harm your sleep patterns and the way you feel during the day. Your breathing habits also have a negative impact on your muscles, brain, nervous system, and heart.

To break it down, here are a few risks you’ll face with breathing incorrectly:

  • Your nervous system gets overly excited, making you anxious and stressed out
  • Increased muscle tension and…



Melissa Chu
Jumpstart Your Dream Life

I write about living better, creating great work, and making an impact. Get your guide to achieving your goals at