GivtNow is becoming DonorZen!

Published in
1 min readMay 12, 2017

At Jumpsuit Commerce, we’re committed to bringing tools to nonprofit organizations that allow them to make a difference in the world. One of our tools, GivtNow, is getting a makeover!

We’re happy to announce that we are renaming our online giving and donor management platform, GivtNow, to DonorZen! The new DonorZen brand reflects a clean, simple, bright, and clear philosophy — a zen-ful way to approach the process of fundraising. This change will take place over the next couple of weeks and you’ll see a visual difference. If your organization is already using GivtNow, you won’t have to do anything — the change will be automatic.

Don’t fear! Our product is still the same on the inside and is still built and managed by the same great team.

If you want to know more or have any questions please email or call our toll-free number 844–332–5556.

Are you ready to take a new path to a better way to fundraise?



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Lead Software Engineer @ Jumpsuit Commerce