Announcing Version 2.0 Beta of the Periodic Table of Office 365

Matt Wade
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2018

Update: We’ve launched! Check out our official launch announcement for more!

We’re excited to announce the beta release of Version 2.0 of the Periodic Table of Office 365. Take this opportunity to try out the cool new features and enjoy the redesign of the user interface. To access the beta Table, jump to

But first, let’s take a couple minutes to cover what’s new.

Updated navigation experience

The menus have been rearranged and centralized to make your navigation experience that much easier. In fact, we rebuilt the entire Table from the ground up, so we took the opportunity to improve the layout.

Which tool when?

The biggest question of the Office 365 ecosystem is “Which tool do I use for this scenario?” We’re aiming to help answer that with context-based guidance on which apps to use to get a task or process done. Our Which Tool When wizard will guide you to the right apps based on the need.

Find out which tools to use for your scenario

Coming soon: submit your own WTW scenario for inclusion in our database as we build the best crowd-sourced tool for WTW guidance!

Log in for your personalized Table

While it was a big deal when we rolled out the license filters for the Table, the apps that were displayed for a given license (e.g., Enterprise E3) may not actually match the apps you have access to. Lots of times, Office 365 admins remove access to certain apps.

But now the Table can display exactly which apps you have access to and grey out the rest. Simply log in using your Office 365 username and password and the Table will show you your personal license. Every time you return, you’ll have your Office 365 experience shown.

Log in to grey out the apps you can’t access

Your personal launchpad

We heard from many of you that you like to use the Table as your way into your Office 365 apps. So we improved the experience by adding launch buttons to each app that supports it.

Best yet, if you’re logged in, you can even access tenant-specific links like those to SharePoint and OneDrive. Make the Table your home page and you’ll never need the Office 365 waffle again!

Launch apps directly from the Table. Log in for access to even more.

Beta testing

Keep in mind this is a beta release; we won’t roll this new version out for general availability for a little while. If something doesn’t seem right or you notice a bug, please report it (with screenshots, if you can) through the Help button in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Please note this beta is for the English version of the Table only. Our other languages will be included after beta testing is complete.



Matt Wade

Microsoft MVP • Office 365 & Microsoft Teams specialist • NY→USVI→DC→NY