icansharepoint has moved to jumpto365

Matt Wade
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2019


It’s been a long time coming, but I’ve finally completed the effort of moving my original blog for SharePoint end users — icansharepoint.com — to a new home on the internet, jumpto365.com.

My original goal with icansharepoint was to explain everyday use cases and how-to’s for SharePoint 2013. jumpto365 has become a wider resource, yet is still incredibly connected to SharePoint given all the Office 365 integrations.

With each blog post on icansharepoint, I was able to add to a knowledgebase of useful features in SharePoint and how best to use them. It was meant to be a central resource for everyday information workers and their IT friends to point them to (without having to recreate the wheel). It was amazingly popular and I can’t thank everyone enough for the interest and support.

icansharepoint.com was visited 1.1 million times by over 600,000 unique users since it launced in January 2016, averaging almost 30,000 monthly users each month of 2019.

In moving the blog posts over to medium.com (here), I’ve tried to update them to be current — some were written in 2015! — and removed ones that are no longer really relevant. All icansharepoint content that was migrated can be found at jumpto365.com/icansharepoint.

Each relavent icansharepoint blog post has been updated and moved to jumpto365.com; the full listing has been weeded a bit.

I’ve successfully brought over my infographics as well. Building my infographic repository has been a delightfully educational— albeit tedious — process. All the graphics moved to jumpto365 have been updated to match the new Office 365 brand and reviewed for content and relevance. Some still haven’t been migrated; they are too outdated and need more work. Stand by, please.

Infographics have been weeded a bit too. Some major updates are required for a couple others, which is why they’re not currently posted.

The world has changed a lot since the early days of that blog and today I find myself neck-deep in Office 365, not just SharePoint. jumpto365 is meant to work through the entire cloud space whereas icansharepoint was stuck, well, on-prem. jumpto365 quickly became the home of the Periodic Table of Office 365 and the Everyday Guide to Office 365 Groups. It’s been a natural and humbling progression.

The Periodic Table of Office 365 has been visited nearly 2 million times by over 800,000 users worldwide.

Version 3 Beta of the Periodic Table includes app updates since Ignite 2019 and Office 365 Group connections.

Of course it’s not just about our table. You also can create your own, customizeable Periodic Table or Tables with jumpto365 Pro. Get a free trial here.

For the sake of transparency, one of the major reasons for speeding up this migration was a vulnerability in the WordPress site I was originally using. Random hackers had exploited that weakness and effectively taken it over, which lit a fire under my rear end to get stuff moved. For the time being, links to various pages on icansharepoint.com should redirect directly to their corresponding new homes in either medium.com (this blog) or to jumpto365.com. If you find that any are not performing as expected, please let me know.

I’m glad to have the hack behind me (as well as WordPress, to be honest) and I look forward to the future ahead with jumpto365 as the sole brand for my Office 365 and SharePoint resources.

Feel free to leave feedback below if you have any comments or questions! And thanks for sticking with me through this progression.



Matt Wade

Microsoft MVP • Office 365 & Microsoft Teams specialist • NY→USVI→DC→NY