My 31-day Writing Challenge: Post No. Zero

Pyit Kywe Tun (June)
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2018

So, I have been meaning to get into the habit of writing and of course nothing beats a classic writing challenge for this purpose.

I looked around for a good challenge list and finally found this one on Pinterest, and I think it has many interesting prompts that demand some insight from me.

I don’t intend to turn them into tediously critical commentaries though, because I easily get lost in my thoughts and it would take way too much time and effort to decode them into simple words.

First, I want to share something really interesting that I discovered about myself, just in the few minutes it took me to start my first entry. It’s actually rather hilarious.

About 20 minutes ago, I was browsing the list above wondering what should my first post be about. I got pretty stressed out about it, until I decided I should ask my partner for his input. His simple answer caught me off-guard.

He said, “Why don’t you write them in order? They are already numbered!” I mean he is right… because that is the logical way to go about things. But what surprised me even more was my response.

Instead of replying “Yes, of course! I will do just that”, I instinctively went “ No freaking way, that will bore the hell out of me. I don’t like doing things in order. Just give me a random number please.”

Isn’t it amusing how you can discover personality traits from such random incidents? If an online personality test told me that I am not someone who likes following instruction, I might have been sceptical. I am no psychologist but I can say for sure now that I would not thrive in an environment where I am told to do my job in a specific order for no rhyme or reason.

Anyway, you will obviously notice that I am also a very indecisive person, so I got my boyfriend to make the hard decision for me. And to no one’s surprise, my first challenge entry will be number 11 — my current relationship (;



Pyit Kywe Tun (June)

A pragmatic dreamer. A Burmese in Singapore, and Newcastle United fan by default. I write about my personal journey, travels, cocktails and cats.