Star Wars Symbology: The Trickster Is Precursor To The Savior

What we can predict about ‘The Rise Of Skywalker’ from Benicio Del Toro’s character in ‘The Last Jedi’

Brian Deines


One of Carl Jung’s Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious is the Trickster.

The Trickster archetype, along with the Hero, the Wise Old Man and the Shadow, can be found throughout Star Wars.

According to Jung, the Trickster traditionally shows “his fondness for sly jokes and malicious pranks, his powers as a shape-shifter, his dual nature, half animal, half divine, his exposure to all kinds of tortures, and-last but not least-his approximation to the figure of a savior.”

When analyzing the Trickster archetype, Jung used “the analogy of the carnival in the medieval Church, with its reversal of the hierarchic order.” In the carnival, the Fool (closely related to the Trickster) becomes the ideal.

We are also aware that in the Middle Ages and in Shakespearian drama, The Fool was the only person in the King’s court who could speak the truth, because he was far below contempt that it gave him the freedom.

The “Trickster as approximation of coming Savior” can be understood in the classic concept of mental alchemy, “As above, so below.”

DJ the Trickster



Brian Deines

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