ATtiny85 Easy Flashing Through Arduino

Programming ATtiny85 in 10 steps #arduSerie 29

3 min readApr 15, 2017


Hi, Hobbyist! Welcome!

It took me half a day to program ATtiny85, ugh!

Here, I summarized everything for you in 10 steps and less than 10 minutes away

Image from this page

Let’s get started!

Step#1 — Download and install Arduino 1.6.4;

Step#2 — Open Arduino IDE, File > Preferences and in Additional Board Manager URLs: and Copy/Paste this:

Step#3 — Click OK, and in Tools > Board > Manager, install: ATTiny and close Arduino IDE;

Step#4 — Connect your Arduino, open the IDE, and upload Example> ArduinoISP sketch; This Arduino-supplied example sketch turns your Arduino into an ISP (in-system programming); in other words, it would emulate the programming protocol supported by the STK500 development system; You need to make one small (but nonpermanent) addition to the Arduino Uno to make this sketch work properly…

…ADD a 10uF capacitor (C1) between GND & Reset pins

Step#5 — Prepare your breadboard like this schema, except for LED (do not forget 10uF capacitor on GND and Reset of Arduino); If your capacitor is polarized, be sure to put the negative striped lead in the GND connection and the positive lead in the RESET connection. This capacitor effectively filters out the incoming reset pulses that come from your PC when the Arduino software starts to program your part. Because you want to program a part further downstream, you filter the reset pulses coming into the Arduino. Otherwise, you’d invoke the Arduino’s bootloader and program that Arduino, and that’s not what you want at all;); see Table 01:

Arduino as ISP setup
Arduino pinout for use Arduino as ISP (in-system programming)

Step#6 — Open in your Arduino IDE Example > Basic > Blink sketch and change pin 13 to pin 0;

Step#7 — Configure Arduino IDE Tools menu like this:

(1)Board: ATtiny25/45/85

(2)Processor: ATtiny85

(3)Clock: Internal 1 MHz

(4)Port: COMXX(Arduino Uno)

(5)Programmer: Arduino as ISP

Step#8 — Run the previous Blink sketch;

Step#9 Connect LED/Resistor on PIN 0 and disconnect wires in Arduino’s PIN 10,11,12,13 from ATtiny85 (optional, this device supports ISP, remember?:)

Step#10 — Reset ATtiny85 by pulsing GND to pin 0 (if needed) and see the LED blink at each 100 ms :D

There you go!

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Based on:

Programming an ATtiny w/ Arduino 1.6 (or 1.0)

Note: I’ve tried hard to get this working: ATTiny85 four-component megaphone…but I can’t…someone help me, please?


Github: @#arduSerie 29


Rev 1.0: Jun’2018 — Editing points 4 and 5 based on Book Arduino Internals page 267;




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!