ESP32-IDF —HelloWorld Get Started

How To Get Started — ESP_IDF_Series Episode #03

5 min readJun 10, 2020


This post will review the code example published by Espressif located at directory <IDF_PATH>\examples\get-started\blink of ESP-IDF installation.

It follows the CMake build system software environment for the hardware-based on the ESP32 chip produced by Expressif.

For official tutorial, please head over to:
(the stable version
as of June 2020):

For Installation of ESP-IDF (Expressif IoT Development Framework) on Windows 10 using the CMake-based build system please take a look at this other post.

These are the steps for an ESP-IDF project:

ESP-IDFMenu Configuration
Flashing firmware onto an ESP32 board

Let me show you what I have in my atelier:)

Fig 1. WiFi LoRa 32 (v2) is a classic IoT dev-board designed & produced by Heltec Automation(TM), it’s a highly integrated product based on ESP32 + SX127x, it has Wi-Fi, BLE, LoRa functions, also Li-Po battery management system, 0.96″ OLED are also included. It’s my choice :)
Fig 2. 24M Byte (32M bit )Pro ESP32 OLED V2.0 TTGO & For Arduino ESP32 OLED WiFi Modules+Bluetooth Double ESP-32 ESP8266 OLED from

Material Needed

ESP32 kit board
High quality Type B-Micro USB Cable

The ESP-IDF is an amalgamation of a number of components:

1.ESP32 base library;
2.WiFi Drivers;
3.TCP/IP stack;
4.FreeRTOS stack;
6.Driver for sensor(s);
7.Main code tying it all together

Follows some concepts and jargons about ESP-IDF:

. ESP-IDF makes these components explicit & configurable;
. To config project use text-based new system (customizable);
. After config, the build system will compile the project;
. The app is inside a directory with all the support files;
. You can modify project config (sdkconfig file) by typing menuconfig at prompt;
. 1 project builds 2 apps: a) proj app = exe & b) boot app = launcher;
. components = modular pieces linked into app;
. target = hadware = ESP32;
. IDF_PATH = link ESP-IDF project;
. Toolchain = for compilation - should be on the PATH;

Annotation about The CMake-based build system:

There are 2 main build Tools: CMake + Ninja to build a full Application for ESP32 (this post) or GNU Make build system (other post);For CMake build system:
. The CMake-based build system is a front-end command line tool;
. What is ? is a top-level config/build command line tool for ESP-IDF;
. It easily managing your project builds;
. = Flasher;
. is a wrapper around CMake for programmer convinience;

. Commands: menuconfig = to config the app; build = multiple steps build process; it creaes sub-directories; run Ninja or GNU Make; Building is incremental (no-change; nothing done) clean = delating build output files except config files; fullclean = delete build directory recursively; flash -p PORT -b BAUD RATE = it flashes prog onto chip; monitor -p PORT -b BAUD RATE = Serial output;
. You can combine commands, like this: -p COM4 flash monitor;
. The order is not important (it automatically will be executed in the correct order);
. Python interpreter - ESP-IDF works with
Python 2.7 or 3.8;

Here is the layout that the ESP-IDF Tools Installer makes in my machine:

Fig 3. ESP-IDF official layout 4 Win10:)

Here is an Espressif recommended ESP-IDF project layout directory (for my custom project I put it inside the Directory Examples above and worked fine):

Fig 4. A project layout simplified for your reference

Setup Path to ESP-IDF

IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH = C:\Users\%userprofile%\.espressif\python_env\idf3.3_py3.8_envIDF_TOOLS_PATH =

Fine, now let’s code o/

The first example that I will review is the blink project.

You can find it at this location: C:\Users\%userprofile%\Desktop\esp-idf\examples\get-started\blink.

Here is the blink.c code at \main sub-directory:

1.Menu Configuration

Let’s connect our device to a USB port.

Go to Device Manager and find the port that your ESP device is attached:

Fig 5. Mine is COM10 — If you have problems with USB Driver, please refer to this post (Troubleshooting — Driver Bridge section)

Go to ESP-IDF commands prompt (cmd.exe):

Fig 6. Execute the ESP-IDF prompter

Now go to directory C:\Users\%userprofile%\Desktop\esp-idf\examples\get-started\blink and type: menuconfig
Fig 7. The first thing to do is to check what GPIO pin is the output — Go to Example Configuration and …
Fig 8. Choose GPIO25 as output — This is the built-in LED for my first board — Then Save and Exit, and you are good to go o/
Type cls to clear the screen.


Type: build

This process will take a long time. Please, take a coffee and relax! ☕

3.Flashing firmware onto an ESP32 board at \main sub-directory:

When it finishes type: -p <PORT_NUMBER> flash monitor
Fig 9. Running blink at the monitor.
Gig 1. The built-in LED flashes @ 1s interval \o/

That’s all for now!

In the next episode we won't be shy, let’s get some more stamina, right?

Thank you!

Download All Files For This Project

Credits & References

CMake Tutorial — CMake 3.17.3 Documentation

The CMake tutorial provides a step-by-step guide that covers common build system issues that CMake helps address…

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03#Episode — ESP_IDF_Series — ESP32-IDF — HelloWorld Get Started — How To Get Started (this one:)




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!