How to load programs to an Arduino UNO from Atmel Studio 7

Meet Atmel Studio 7!!! #arduSerie-26

3 min readFeb 20, 2017


So you want to have a friendly IDE to encode your projects in arduino?
Here is how:

Why another IDE since we have one that works well?

This is a very small tutorial to get you started on Atmel Studio 7 as your IDE.
Let’s get started!

  1. Download and install AtmelStudio 7link;
  2. Download and install Arduino IDE version 1.8.2 or newer version, preferable on c:/ driver — link;
  3. Open Arduino IDE and Example > Basic > Blink sketch;
  4. Modify this sketch by add ‘const int led = 13;’ and change corresponding clause on loop();
  5. Save as you wish in your project folder; I will go to named it as ‘_26_arduSerie_atmelStudio_00.ino’;
  6. Now the real fun begins: Open your Atmel Studio 7 app — Connect your arduino on usb;
  7. File > New > Project and hit ‘Create new project from Arduino sketch’;
  8. Choose a ‘Name’ = studio_code, browse the file location of your project; this will create a folder ‘studio_code’ on your project;
  9. Configure ‘Sketch File’= your file blink.ino location, Arduino IDE Path=your Arduino IDE, ‘Board’= Arduino/Genuino Uno, ‘Device’ = atmega328P and hit ‘Ok’;
  10. This will install the necessary libraries of the arduino, mainly load the core.a, pins_arduino.h, all .h file, that is the base of the arduino configurations of the chosen platform, in this case Arduino Uno;
  11. You will be presented with the code ready to hack as usual;
  12. Build > Build solution and output will show:

13. Now lets get this code uploaded to your board: on Atmel Studio 7 hit ‘Tools’ > ‘External Tools’;

14 . Configure it like this:

note: Commands field needs avrdude.exe. See you can directly download avrdude program. Get the latest version here. This should work! I have not tested yet ;-)

15 . Go to to Arduino IDE and in a normal compilation output you’ll see:

Ovrdude is the program responsible for record your code on the chip. Is that program we need within atmel Studio 7;

16 . Copy that piece of code to ‘Arguments’:

17. Complete it with:

so the result will be:

18. Select ‘Use Output window’ and hit ‘Ok’;

19. That´s all: now hit ‘Tools > Send to Arduino UNO’ and the code must be uploaded to your Arduino Uno and now onboard led must be blinking;
you’ll see on Output:

Thanks for the visit. check Jungletronics channel back often…

Note: (thanks Hayden NZ for his great esprit de corps for diy community):

He made important remarks that I decided to put into his own words:

For anyone else, I had trouble with my Arduino folder nested with the Program Files (x86) folder, after moving the Arduino file directly into the C:/ folder it worked perfectly. The error I was getting was: “avrdude.exe: error reading system wide configuration file “C:\Program” ”

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NEW! Grab your📲📱 smartphone and enjoy this serie: Atmel Studio 7 & UNO Serie (Ep#00) @giljrE

Update May/2018: Add Link to new serie about Atmel Studio 7 — PicoPower isssue!D Not Miss it!

Update jun/2017: put the colon after the ‘w’ in the second section of code in the 17th step — thanks Hayden NZ and set note.




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!