J3 Curricula

Published in
7 min readNov 10, 2019

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🪂Raspberry Pi For Beginners — 2024 Complete Course on 07/04/2024 as taught by Edouard Renard on Udemy 10 Hours — Jul-2024

🪂 IoT Application Development with ESP Rainmaker on 06/08/2024 as taught by Magicbit Academy on Udemy 1.5 Hours— Jun-2024

🪂 IoT Application Development with the ESP32 Using the ESP-IDF on 08/08/2024, taught by Rob Percival, Mashrur Hossain, Codestars / 9Hours — Jun-2024

🍭The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course, on 24/06/2023, taught by Rob Percival, Mashrur Hossain, Codestars / 48 Hours — Jun-2023

🍭IPSEI ACELERADORA UNINTER, on 20/7/2023, taught by Prof.Esp. Celso Giancarlo D. Mazo — Workload / 20 hours — Jun 2023

🍭Maratona Python — LATAM 2023 — UNINTER on 2/3/2023, taught by Network Academy — Workload / 10 hours — May 2023

🍭The Art of API Documentation — on 2/3/2023, taught by Peter Gruenbaum on Udemy — Fev 2023

🍭 Learn Swagger and the OpenAPI Specification— on 2/3/2023 as taught by Peter Gruenbaum on Udemy — Fev 2023

🍭 Entendendo e documentando REST / RESTful APIs — on 31/01/2023 as taught by Jackson Pires on Udemy — Jan 2023

🍭 Tratamento de Dados Pessoais pelo Poder Público — LGPD — on 27/01/2023 as taught by Débora Cristina N. Silva on Udemy — Jan 2023

👏 Python For Programmers Certification — on 24/10/2022 as taught by Nick Walter on Udemy— Oct 2022

👏 Introduction to Service Management with ITIL 4 — on 10/04/2022, taught by Jason Dion — Oct 2022

👏 Python for Computer Vision with OpenCV and Deep Learning — Udemy Biusiness on 03/10/2022 by Jose Portilla — Oct 2022

👏 CRC RO —Palestra Convênio ICMS 50/2022 — on 24/09/2022 Ministrada no Auditorio da OAB Cacoal ROSet 2022

👏 CC50 — O Curso de Ciência da Computação de Harvard no Brasil— on 06/07/2022 as taught by Fundação EstudarJun 2022

👏 Python Impressionador Certification — on 01/01/2022 as taught by João Paulo Rodrigues de Lira from Hashtag TreinamentosJan 2022


🌱 Ruby On Rails For Web Development Certification on 07/03/2021 as taught by John Elder on Udemy — Jul 2021

🌱Python para iniciantes, estudantes e profissionais de eletrônica [Python for beginners, students and electronics professionals]— Jun 2021

🌱[RF] [SHELL-SCRIPT] Introdução ao Shell Script com Raspberry PI [Getting Started with Shell Scripting with Raspberry PI] — MicrogeniosJun 2021

🌱[RF] Automação com Radios RF 433MHz e RF 315MHz e Microcontroladores PIC [Automation with RF 433MHz and RF 315MHz Radios and PIC Microcontrollers]—MicrogeniosJun 2021

🌱HCIA-AI Artificial Intelligence — Huawei CertificationJun 2021

🌱HCIA-AI Course Huawei Artificial Intelligence Course — Apr 2021


🌱Online Course: Introduction to Packet Tracer by netacad.comJan 2021

🆕Curso Online: Projetos de Rede LoRa com ESP32 e SDK-IDF C/C++ [Online Course: LoRa Network Projects with ESP32 and SDK-IDF C / C ++] by microgeniosNov 2020

🆕The Complete SQL Bootcamp 2020: Go from Zero to Hero — Become an expert at SQL! by Jose Portilla — Oct 2020

🆕CONECTA SEBRAE AGROLAB AMAZON. Experience the best of agribusiness, within the virtual fair — Sept 2020

🆕COMO ESCREVER ARTIGOS PARA PUBLICAÇÃO — UNINTER— O que você precisa saber antes de começar a escrever [HOW TO WRITE ARTICLES FOR PUBLICATION — What do you need to know before you start writing] — Sept 2020

🆕Curso Online:Linguagem C (Padrão ANSI) [C language (ANSI standard)] — Jun 2020

🆕Curso Online: Primeiros Projetos com o Compilador GCC (GNU Make) para Embarcados [ First Projects with the Embedded GCC Compiler (GNU Make)] — Jun 2020

🆕19° Seminário: Análise de Protocolo I2C, Serial, SPI c/ Analisador Lógico Programável [ 19th Seminar: I2C Protocol Analysis, Serial, SPI w / Programmable Logic Analyzer ] — May 2020

🆕Curso Online: [MODBUS] Redes e Protocolos Industriais: Modbus RTU com Arduino UNO e MEGA [MODBUS] Industrial Networks and Protocols: Modbus RTU with Arduino UNO and MEGA] — May 2020

🆕Curso Online: Introdução ao Conversor Modbus RTU para MQTT — Modelo M1 [Introduction to the Modbus RTU to MQTT Converter — Model M1 ] — May 2020

🆕Curso Online: FreeRTOS — Sistema Operacional de Tempo Real com ESP32 e SDK-IDF [ FreeRTOS — Real Time Operating System with ESP32 and SDK-IDF ] — May 2020

🆕 27° Seminário: Processos e etapas de fabricação de Placas de Circuito Impresso [27 ° Seminar: Processes and stages of manufacturing Printed Circuit Boards] — May 2020

🆕 ESP32: Ethernet Cabeada com SDK-IDF C/C++ [ Wired Ethernet with SDK-IDF C / C ++ ]May 2020

🆕1º Udemy: Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3 as taught by Jose Portilla on Udemy — SUPERB!!! I highly recommend this course to every makerMarch 2020

🆕32º Seminário: Introdução (Passo a Passo) a Linguagem C [ Introduction (Step by Step) to C Language ]— Jan 2020

🆕42º Seminário: Conectividade — Internet das Coisas (IoT) [ Connectivity — Internet of Things (IoT) ]— Jan 2020

🆕Curso Online: Especialização em Interfaces Gráficas (USB e Serial RS232) com Visual C# [ Specialization in Graphical Interfaces (USB and Serial RS232) with Visual C # ]— Jan 2020

🆕Curso Online: Raspberry Pi — Criação de Projetos de hardware usando I/O [ Raspberry Pi — Creating hardware projects using I / O ]— Jan 2020

🆕Curso Online: [ESP8266] Programação Nativa do ESP8266 com SDK-IDF em C/C++ [ ESP8266 Native Programming with SDK-IDF in C / C ++ ]— Jan 2020

🆕Curso Online: IHM Industrial — Desenvolvendo uma Interface Gráfica Web Industrial [ Industrial HMI — Developing a Graphical Industrial Web Interface ]— Jan 2020

🆕Curso Online: Raspberry PI — Projeto Avançados com Broker MQTT e WebSocket [ Raspberry PI — Advanced Project with MQTT Broker and WebSocket ]— Jan 2020

🆕Curso Online: Programando o ESP32 com SDK-IDF (Programação Nativa em C/C++) e FreeRTOS [ Programming ESP32 with SDK-IDF (Native Programming in C / C ++) and FreeRTOS ]— Jan 2020

🆕Curso Online: Criando Sua Plataforma de IOT na Nuvem c/ Amazon AWS + Mosquitto MQTT + ESP32 [ Creating Your IOT Platform in the Cloud with Amazon AWS + Mosquitto MQTT + ESP32 ] Jan 2020

🆕Curso Online: Servidor WEB para Projetos de Internet das Coisas com ESP32 [ WEB Server for Internet of Things Projects with ESP32 ]— Jan 2020

🆕Curso Online: Monte seu Servidor MQTT com Mosquitto e ESP32 [ Build your MQTT Server with Mosquitto and ESP32 ]— Jan 2020

🆕Curso Online: FreeRTOs Sistema Operacional de Tempo Real com ESP32 (ESP8266) [ FreeRTOs Real-Time Operating System with ESP32 (ESP8266) ]— Jan 2020

Curso de Formação de Especialistas em Microcontroladores [ Training Course for Microcontroller Specialists ] by microgenios (Regional Training Partner Microchip) — Sept 2017

Arduino Primeiros e Segundos Passos — Curso on-line [ Arduino First and Second Steps — Online Course ] by microgenios Nov 2017

18° Seminário: ARM Cortex-M0 NXP primeiros passos [ 18th Seminar: ARM Cortex-M0 NXP first steps ] by microgenios Dec 2017

ARM Cortex M0+ Kinetis L Freescale [ ARM Cortex M0 + Kinetis L Freescale by microgenios ] by microgenios Nov 2017

Road Show ARM Cortex-M4 (Kinetis) utilizando KDS + KSDK + FRDM-K64F [ Road Show ARM Cortex-M4 (Kinetis) using KDS + KSDK + FRDM-K64F ] by microgenios Nov 2017

Desenvolvendo Placas de Circuito Impresso e Shields Arduino com CAD EAGLE V7 [ Developing Printed Circuit Boards and Arduino Shields with EAGLE V7 CAD ] by microgenios Nov 2017

Dominando a IDE MPLAB Xpress Microchip [ Mastering the MPLAB Xpress Microchip IDE ] by microgenios Nov 2017

Hands-On: ARM Cortex M0 — Familia LPCXPRESSO NXP [ Hands-On: ARM Cortex M0 — LPCXPRESSO NXP Family ] by microgenios Dec 2017

Curso Online: Microchip Code Configurator (MCC) [ Online Course: Microchip Code Configurator (MCC) ] by microgenios Nov 2017

Internet das Coisas: Aprenda a Controlar Máquinas e Equipamentos pela Internet [ Internet of Things: Learn to Control Machines and Equipment over the Internet ] by microgenios Dec 2017

Sistema de Telemetria por GSM/GPRS [ Telemetry System by GSM / GPRS ] by microgeniosNov 2017

GSM/GPRS — Sistema de Automação e Controle por SMS [ GSM / GPRS — SMS Automation and Control System ] by microgeniosNov 2017

PROTEUS — Simulação de Circuitos Eletrônicos (ISIS, ARES, VSM) [ PROTEUS — Simulation of Electronic Circuits (ISIS, ARES, VSM) ] by microgeniosNov 2017

NodeMCU ESP8266 — Automação Residencial via WiFi [ NodeMCU ESP8266 — Home Automation via WiFi ] by microgenios Nov 2017

NodeMCU ESP8266 — Aplicações Socket Client/Server p/ Internet das Coisas [ NodeMCU ESP8266 — Socket Client / Server Applications for Internet of Things ] by microgeniosNov 2017

Sistema de Controle de Acesso por RFID e WiFi Microcontrolado by microgenios [ Access Control System by RFID and Microcontrolled WiFi ] — Nov 2017

Email: giljr.2009@gmail.com

Webpages: https://medium.com/jungletronics , https://medium.com/kidstronics, and https://jungletronics.blogspot.com/

Social media: https://www.facebook.com/JThreeHobbyist, https://twitter.com/JThreeHobbyist

location: Brazil — Amazon Region

GitHub Repo

Fig 1. My core skills o/




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!