NumPy Init & Python Review

A Crash Python Review & Initialization at NumPy lib — #PySeries#Episode 05

8 min readSep 6, 2020


Hi, let's init our study focused on Python For Data Science: Meet NumPy!

Here we going to initialize with a crash review in Python, like functions, Maps, Lambdas, Filters, Strings, dictionaries, Lists, Tuple Unpacking, and more…

Then we head up to NUMPY, A Three-Dimensional Blue Cube with the Letter N Highlighted.

NumPy is The fundamental Package for Scientific Computing with Python!

Fig 1. Meet NumPy: the reason it is so important for Data Science with Python is that almost all the libraries in the Python Ecosystem rely on NUMPY as one of their main building blocks (Jose Portilla — Python For Data Science course)

Be very Welcome o/

You’ll find all the code down on my Colab Project Repo in Colab or GitHub page!



A function can return data as a result.

Creating a Function: in Python, a function is defined using this keyword: def.

#Python Functions:

Here how to use above function times2:

Another example: here you see how to use Docstring to document your code:

Here is how to use square(num):

# Hit Shift-Tab to bring up the signature and docstring of the class:

Fig 2. Please, document your code — This is a good practice :)


Cast your Map object to a list:

# Mapping each item in the list seq to times2 function and cast to a anonymous list:


(for more info see this post)

HowTo To Get A Lambda Expression just from times2 funtion?

Here is the original function:

The times2 function can be written in one line:

Rewritting it in one line:

Now, get rid of the def keyword:

Now, to get a lambda expression just get rid of the name of the function (typing lambda in its place — cuz lambda is an anonymous function);

And get rid of the parenteses adding space in front (cleaning the code:);

And finally, get rid of return word (its function is assumed by the colon ), like this :)

It Reads: lambda takes var and returns var*2.

Just in one line. Simple Like That! Awesome!

This is not usual for lambda, but it is a feasible use (saving lambda times2 to var t2):

Now use Map plus Lambda together:

# Using Map function plus Lambda function (what it is build for!):

# Casting Map to a List:


# Filters out the even number from seq list casted to a list:

Another example:

# Filters out 's' init words using lambda expression:


Upper function:

Lower function:

Split Function:

Tweet use:

More Split Function:

Creating a function to count dog occurrences:

# Number of time the word ‘dog’ occurs in the string:

Use countDog function:






Pop & Append Methods:

IN word


Python tuples are immutable means that they can not be modified in the whole program.

Packing and Unpacking a Tuple: In Python, there is a very powerful tuple assignment feature that assigns the right-hand side of values into the left-hand side. In another way, it is called the unpacking of a tuple of values into a variable. In packing, we put values into a new tuple while in unpacking we extract those values into a single variable.

Using for loop:


Or just like this:


The reason it is so important for Data Science with Python is that a lot of all the libraries in the Python Ecosystem rely on NUMPY as one of their main building blocks (Jose Portilla — Python For Data Science course).

NUMPY is also incredibly fast as it has bound to C libraries.


ARRAYS (Vectors & Matrices) in NUMPY

-> Always cast a list into NUMPY array

# Vectors:

# 1 bracket mean 1-dimensional array ([]):

# Matrices:

# 2 brackets mean 2-dimensional array ([[]]):


# All the way up to 10, but not including 10 -> return AN NUMPY ARRAY sequence of 10 digits counting from 0 to 9

# np.arange(start, stop):

The third argument is the step:

# Third argument: step size you may want

# np.arange(start, stop, step):

ZEROES & ONES & EYE(Identity matrix) in NUMPY


Identity Matrix:


# From 0, to 5 returning 10 digits spaced evenly:

PLEASE DON’T CONFUSE linspace WITH arange:

arange: will take in the third argument as the STEPS SIZE (you want)

linspace: will take in the third argument as the NUMBER OF POINTS (evenly separated)


# RAND differs from ARANGE because RAND returns random numbers:

N means Normal Distribution:

# n means Normal Distribution (return values around the Mean in gaussian distribution):

Without the Third Parameter:

# Without the third parameter, it will return one digit from 1(included) to 100 (not included):

With the Third Parameter:

# The third parameter specify the number of digits you want to return:

Difference between ARANGE and RANDINT:

ARANGE: returns sequence of digits

RANDINT: returns randomly selected digits




# Get the and Numpy array and reshape it as you want;

Here reshaping arr (1_dimentional) as a matrix of 5x5 (2_dimentional):



(there are no Parentheses cuz this is an attribute, remember?)

To import use this syntax:

That’s it!

At this point in time, I just want to say THANK YOU for sticking along with this Python Series so far.

It’s been a long way but I’m hoping you have learned a lot!

There is much more to come... Stay tuned!

Bye and till the next #PySeries Episode o/

Fun Little Quiz


01Make this Matriz a:

Fig 3. Go to shared collab (link bellow)

02 How would you index these parts of the matrix b? Create Matrices c,d, and e :-)

Fig 4. Go to shared collab (link bellow)

Solutions here:

👉Colab Google link:)

👉GitHub Repo link:)

👉Files from Google Drive:)

👆More .ipynb

Credits & References:

Jose Portilla — Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp — Learn how to use NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn , Matplotlib , Plotly , Scikit-Learn , Machine Learning, Tensorflow , and more!

Python NumPy Tutorial for Beginners — by

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review: Aug/2021 (text improvements — better lambda explaination)




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!