String Formatting in Python

How To Format Strings in Python #PySeries#Episode 35

2 min readAug 24, 2021


Hi, this is a quick note about strings in python.

Fig 1. Phyton quick notes about string formatting

Let’s get it on?

String Interpolation → Injects a variable into your string printing

2 methods:

. format()
. f-strings

format() method:

print('This is a string {}'.format('INSERTED'))This is a string INSERTED

Multiples strings — when order matters!

print('{} {} {}.'.format('brown', 'quick', 'fox') )brown quick fox.

Positional arguments:

print('{1} {0} {2}.'.format('brown', 'quick', 'fox') )quick brown fox.

Or keywords arguments:

print('{q} {b} {f}'. format(b = 'brown', q = 'quick', f = 'fox'))quick brown fox

Float formatting follows “{value: width.precision f}”

result = 100/777

Printing directly:

print("The result was {}".format(result))The result was 0.1287001287001287

Or formatting the number:

print("The result was {r:1.3f}".format(r = result))The result was 0.129

Width (creates space for the number):

print("The result was {r:10.3f}".format(r = result))The result was      0.129

f-strings Mehod

name = 'j3'print('His name is {}'.format(name))His name is j3

New for Python 3.6 → f-strings literals:

print(f'His name is {name}')His name is j3

And finally:

print("That's is all for now, folks o/ {}".format("Thank you!"))That's is all for now, folks o/ Thank you!

👉Colab notebook link :)

Credits & References

Jose Portilla —2021 Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python— Learn Python like a Professional Start from the basics and go all the way to creating your own applications and games.

Awesome Source:

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Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!