Types of Truth - deGrasse`s Masterclass

Neil deGrasse Tyson — Scientific Thinking and Communication — InspirationalSeries #Episode #00

2 min readOct 17, 2020


One of the great challenges in the world is knowing enough about a subject to think you`re right.
But not enough about the subject to know you’re wrong.

The goal here is to train your mind, how to see the world differently, how to question what others say.

I`ve come to realize that are three categories of truth: personal truths, political truths, and objective truths that shape our understanding of the universe.
The interesting thing about the objective truth is that it is true no matter what.
Imagine that!

so you can turn data into information,
information into knowledge and
knowledge into wisdom!

We all have a susceptibility to bias.

Search engines on the internet are the epitome of confirmation bias.
And you are going to use it as evidence that you are correct?

The good thing about science is that it`s true whether or not you believe in it.

What does it mean to be convinced by the data?

A proper skeptic questions what they’re unsure of but
recognizes when valid evidence is presented to change their mind.

I will equip you to not really find objective truths,
but then communicate to others how to get there.

It`s not good enough to be right...you also have to be effective!

The less connected you are to what is objective truth,
the less likely you will be able to make decisions that will benefit your life, your life and
the life of your family, and even the
Civilization itself!

Credits & References

Neil deGrasse Tyson — Scientific Thinking and Communication


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Image Source: https://www.dreamstime.com/knowledge-action-education-success-business-concept-learn-knowledge-action-learning-education-success-business-concept-learn-image164861560




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