12. User Testing Documentation

Jungsoo Park
@jungsooxpark/User Interface Study
4 min readMar 17, 2018

Concept statement

I am creating a couple of daily asynchronous communication devices that improve the connection between parents and children who live far apart. This device encourages users to get in touch with their loved ones and to share daily life on a daily basis.


My own experience leads me to create this project. When I lived with my parents, I didn’t value my family as much because I was busy and saw them every day. After I moved to the United States from South Korea two years ago, however, I became aware of their importance. My parents and I have 14 hours time difference. I am busy with schoolwork and forget to call them sometimes. My parents are reluctant to call me because they do not want to disturb me. I usually call my mother every Sunday, and my father is always out of the house. Sometimes it takes more than three months from the last call to contact my dad. I want to change this communication pattern with my family. Through my research, I realize that this is the real issue among immigrants. Therefore, I want to encourage people to live in the present with their loved ones and to inject a moment to think about themselves and their families with my product.


I conducted the interviews with three respondents about how they communicate with their parents.

  • Week 1 Prototyping Feedback

Throughout the week1 prototyping presentation, a couple of colleagues mentioned, “It could violate the user’s privacy,” and one test participant said, “I think many women like to smile in front of the mirror.” At first, I thought that they said that way because they did not clearly understand the concept.

The home appliance product is located on top of a mirror, but it starts recording only when the user smiles in front of the device. However, I do not want to freak out the users. I saw many people covered their computer’s webcam even they knew that the camera was off.

I was able to get a new idea from the feedback. A cover covers the camera so that the user does not have to worry about their privacy. When the user opens the cover layer, the device starts recording.

  • Week 2 Prototyping Feedback

Do you think to place it on top of the wall mirror is the best place for the product?

“It’s too high for me.”

One test user commented that the device was too high to reach because its location is on the wall mirror. It was not an issue with the smile detection interaction, whereas the latest prototype needs to be touched by the user since users need to open the cover layer.

What is the product that needs to be improved?

“I cannot see myself.” “I want to adjust the view.”

I found out another issue that the users cannot see themselves while they use this device. Normally, when you take a selfie, you can see yourself on the screen. However, the product does not have a display for watching themselves. The user also needs to adjust the angle of the camera.

What do you think about the opening cover interaction?

“I always feel rushed before going out. It looks uncomfortable to open and close at that time.”

One respondent said that before she goes out, she is always in a hurry. It seems a little hassle to open and close the cover to record. Also, probably it is not a good time for communication with the family. Another respondent commented that it is better to record at night.

What do you think about the daily conversation topic?

“The daily question seems arbitrary. You need to make it more meaningful.”

Since the prior concept was only transmitting smiles to each other, I realized that I needed to find an element that leads a deeper connection between the family members from the first week’s feedback. Therefore, the product has a display that provides a daily conversation topic or question. The cover of the product hides the display. In order to encourage the user to open the cover and record, the contents need to foster the user’s curiosity every day. I need to consider more about it.

To test out the proper questions and recording length, I asked test participants to answer the question like “Did you eat breakfast?” as an example of daily conversation topic. I timed the length of recording, which was approximately 15 to 25 seconds.

Through the testing, I realize that I need to polish the daily questions. It is better not to make too serious questions because the users would feel stressed if they are asked hard questions. Also, the questions should not lead to a simple yes or no answer.


I can confirm that the basic functionality that records about 20 seconds and transmits it to another family member, and the device will be a home appliance. Nevertheless, I am reconsidering the place where it will be located. Even though the mirror attachment is related to daily habits, it would not be a good place to record a video if the mirror is near the entryway because users will feel rushed in the morning. Besides, I am looking for the elements to foster the user’s curiosity, which can encourage people to record a video every day. In conclusion, I am going to create a working MVP prototype and test it to the users in the real world as early as possible.



Jungsoo Park
@jungsooxpark/User Interface Study

Interaction Designer x Creative Technologist who wants to bridge the gap between differences through design. http://uxjungsoopark.com