13: Science Fair (In-class user testing) Documentation

Jungsoo Park
@jungsooxpark/User Interface Study
5 min readMar 18, 2018

Concept statement

I am creating two daily asynchronous communication devices that improve the connection between parents and children who live far apart. These devices encourage users to get in touch with their loved ones more often through interesting interactions.

Why it matters

There are a lot of communication applications and devices. However, communication itself is not easy based on my experience, especially, when I contact my parents. It takes time and energy, and I often forget to call them. Also, I have idea what to say most times. There are 14 hours time difference between my parents and me. The communication with this product could help the family to increase the familiarity and intimacy between them.

Interaction Scenario

I created a new prototype based on the previous feedback. The product will be located on any table at home because they need to manipulate the device by hands. The user can adjust the angle of the display part; this product has a mirror so that the users can see themselves while recording.


I got feedback from six respondents about the recording interaction, location, conversation topic, and material.

  • Recording interaction

Three user testers said that the interaction seems a little inconvenient to open and close. Nonetheless, most of them expressed interest in the communication. They gave me some examples or suggestions of other interactions possibilities. Another test user told me the cover needs a camera icon for signifying the feature. I drew the camera icon on masking tape and taped on the cover during the testing. The tester suggested a simple interface, which rotates the device to run a different mode. For example, it starts recording when you turn the device to portrait mode, but in the landscape, the machine runs the photo album. We also got another idea through the testing, which is the recording trigger part (the cover or something else) can provide a sign for time limit physically. For example, in an idle state, a marble could cover a camera, and the camera starts recording when the user moves the marble. Then, the marble goes back to the camera for 20 seconds and ultimately covers the camera.

  • Location

I inquired about the optimum location of the device at home. Four respondents preferred a bedside table because they usually contacted with their family in the bed. The bedside could be easily fitted into the user’s habits because people wake up and go to sleep every day. The device can provide dual time, which is my time and my communication partner’s time, and weather information. Another tester suggested the bathroom as a location for this device. Her idea was that she would like to communicate in her spare time, such as the time while brushing teeth. Bathrooms may not be good places to communicate, but I was able to clear my mind that I need to focus on connecting people without a lot of time and effort.

I want to keep the asynchronous 20-second video communication feature, but I need to add a simplified communication system with minimal effort and time. The simple function would be helpful for the family to keep up their relationships on a daily basis. I need to be mindful of the daily basis behavior because I sense the daily basis communication could be tiresome from the feedback of my respondent (Image below). During an interview at the science fair, she said she just sends an emoticon when she is busy. It reminds me of a mobile application “Yo,” which sends a “Yo” text message to the user’s friend or family member. You cannot transfer any information with this application, but it is fun to use. Moreover, it could be a reasonable concept between my father and me. We want to be connected, but we do not talk a lot.

  • Material

One user recommended a flexible material to provide a better tactility while grabbing and recording. I used a felt material for the cover and realized that it was easy to get dirty. Moreover, I inserted a magnet in the cover; the cover lost its tension after few tests. Therefore, I will 3D print the device for the more concrete enclosure. The product will be constructed with the plastic and flexible material.

  • Conversation topic

For the conversation topic, many of them liked to talk about food and what is going on recently One Chinese respondent asks their parents about what their family ate recently during a phone call because she misses the food in her hometown. Another interviewee told me she could use this product with their grandparents who do not have a smartphone. Since they are losing their hearing ability, she has to speak up and talk slower. It was interesting to hear the various communication characteristics. It made me start to think about how to reflect those characteristics into my device. However, it would be too complicated to customize the functionality. I also realized that I do not want to force people to answer my question even though it is meaningful. Therefore, I am considering that the user can express their emotion by selecting an emoticon or simple text from a provided set of a simple message.


I was able to refresh myself with concept throughout the Science fair, and what is the most important thing for the product. The feedback leads to the following basic question.

  • How can I create intriguing and playful daily basis communication between distant family members?

I confirmed the 20-second video for basic communication, and the device will be located on a bedside table. I consider adding two simple functions with analog inputs: 1. When you blow air into your device, another device plays a wind chime sound. 2. When you turn the dial knob, you can select a simple message or emoticon, and then you can send it to your communication partner.

I think these two new features will encourage people to contact their family every day. I am working on making a working prototype with this concept and test it to the users as early as possible.



Jungsoo Park
@jungsooxpark/User Interface Study

Interaction Designer x Creative Technologist who wants to bridge the gap between differences through design. http://uxjungsoopark.com