15. Write-Up Prototypes

1. Memory Box (A prototype based on the initial concept)

Jungsoo Park
@jungsooxpark/User Interface Study
8 min readMay 2, 2018


User testing of Memory Box prototype

This prototype was my first idea that can help people recollect memory. Through the feedback from user testers, I decided to change my idea to connect memories and communication. The first prototype’s intention was to apply real-life characteristics of stored memories into my product. For instance, when a user opens his or her memory box after a long time, the pictures in there collect dust. Then, the user wipes off the dust to see the picture clearly. From this, I came up with a memory box that has a display which shows images from the user’s social media. In this display, a photograph taken a long time ago seems blurrier than a new photograph. When the user touches the picture on the screen, the picture gets clearer. I wanted to make people take better care of their memory. Only the pictures that are touched by the user remain. Other images disappear.

- What I learned from the prototype

Some of the test users told me they prefer real photos to digital photos because it makes them feel they own the moment. They put the pictures in a prominent place. One user said that every photo on her Instagram is precious. So she does not like the notion that only interacted images survive. For this comment, I think the pictures on her Instagram account are art collections and for the purpose of inspiring her. I also realized that memories become more valuable when people share with others. Therefore, my project turned into providing people a motivation for creating, storing, and sharing a memory with their loved ones.

2. Mirror Attachment

I created this prototype based on my family’s patterns as I described in section five: Testing with my family. I wanted to make the recording behavior not only as simple as possible but also induce my family to do a positive action, such as sharing smiles. Furthermore, I wanted to make this behavior fit into people’s daily routine. I found out many people check the mirror before they go out every day. So this IOT camera is located on top of the wall mirror. Before the user goes out, when the user smiles, the camera starts recording for a few seconds automatically and sends video to another family member’s email.

- What I learned from the prototype

Testing Mirror Attachment prototype

First feedback was that smile is not helpful for building deep relationships because only a smile cannot convey a deeper meaning. The users need a conversation to maintain a communication. Second feedback was that some respondents worried about privacy since it is a camera. There is a possibility that someone can hack the user’s camera. In addition to the other’s hacking, an unintentional smile of the user can trigger the camera. I sensed that the privacy issue was becoming more important over time. Therefore, I decided to be more careful about the camera concept. Final feedback was that many people feel rushed before they go out in the morning. Therefore, I realized that I need to find a different location for the camera.

3. Home Camera ver1.0

I created a home camera prototype. The idle screen displays dual time and weather. The user can put it on either a desk or a bedside table. When the user taps the screen, it provides today’s conversation topic. When the user raises up the cover, the camera starts recording for 20 seconds.

- What I learned from the prototype

Testing Home Camera prototype ver1.0

I tested the prototype during the Science Fair. I got feedback from other international students. They answered from the daily conversation topic were very short.

My product: “What’s your favorite TV show recently?”

Tester A: “I’m watching ___.”

I needed to be more careful about selecting the conversation topic because it is intended to induce the users to have more conversation with each other. If I failed to do that, it was better to remove the conversation topic feature.

Another respondent told me about her text messages with her mother. Since her mother talks a lot more than she, she sends an emoticon to reply. Many times, it is not easy for her to communicate longer because she is busy with school works. She chose emoticon over text because it is easier and more interesting. I realized that my product needs to be simpler, more fun, and closer to instinct interactions. Furthermore, I decided to create a physical computing project. I actively applied physical and analog inputs to create more connection with family in the next prototype.

4. Home Camera ver2.0

Based on the feedback, I made a second version of the Home Camera prototype. Just as in the first version, the idle screen provides dual time and weather. I added two more features, sharing emotion and sound of the wind, as a supplement to communication.

Functions of Home Camera prototype ver2.0
  1. Sharing Video

When the user raises the cover-up, the device will display today’s topic. When the user taps the screen, then the device records a video and sends it to a partner. When the user closes it, it will stop recording. The partner’s device displays the notification until the partner taps and watches the video.

2. Sharing Presence (Sound)

When the user blows air on the device, the partner’s device plays a wind chime sound at the same time. The volume is not too loud. It won’t bother the partner. I want to provide an impression that the user is thinking about the partner without much effort. Maybe the user and the partner can sense they are in the same place.

3. Sharing Emotion

I also added a dial feature that is sharing emoticons. When the user rotates the dial, the other device will display the emoticon. This emoticon will be displayed for 5 hours in the partner’s device. The users can exchange their emotion. It can be a trigger to start a conversation.

- What I learned from the prototype

Through careful consideration of the feedback from the Home Camera ver2.0 prototype presentation, I was able to focus on my concept, which is improving the connection and building a deep relationship between distant family members.

  • Need Refinement of Interactions

My intention for these functions was to provide minimum input for the user. They were intended as a supplement to communication. Exchanging an emotion could be a trigger to start a conversation, and the wind chime sound could be sensed as Functions of Home Camera prototype ver2.0 presence of the user’s family member without much effort. However, the interactions hindered the device from conveying my concept clearly. Therefore, I decided not to use the interactions, but still need to consider an additional feature that helps the user notice the presence of their communication partner with subtle input.

Critics were interested in asynchronous communication in the “same time / different timezone” idea from my initial testing with my family. I did not apply the “same time / different timezone” idea to my prototype for the midterm. I combine the idea with my previous idea of a daily conversation topic. If the users receive a daily conversation topic every morning, they can ponder the topic all day and share it with their family before the next morning.

  • Consider Target Users

Every critic mentioned that a narrative user scenario (experience, audience, the device and what it does) is needed for my presentation. They also wanted to know more about my target audience.

I need to re-organize my features and produce a one minute video about how my device will operate in my target user’s context. My target users are young adult Asians in their twenties and thirties and their parents who live apart. Both parents and their children’s home have access to the Internet, and they both have experience with using a smartphone.

5. Photo Frame (final Product)

I decided to concentrate on conveying my goal of strengthening the relationship between family. My initial idea last semester was “How can I make people look back on their memories stored in digital media more often?” I combined that idea with the distant family communication product. I decided not to communicate with the “home appliance devices” because my users always record a video outside of the house.

Therefore, I made a change to my product. A digital photo frame at home will become a reminder of family communication. The communication between family members is only stored in the digital photo frame, which is a safe and independent object. People already communicate with their family through smartphones, but people also use the phone for communicating with other people, browsing websites, or accessing other conveniences. The photo frame is only for the close relatives. The users will sense that the photo frame is a symbol of affection between their loved ones. The family portrait in the photo frame is blurry at first. The blurriness of the portrait symbolizes the user’s degree of participation with family communication. The blurry effect can make the user want to see the photo more clearly. It leads the users to focus on the relationship with their parents and children.

The system tells the user a daily conversation topic every morning. Users can ponder the topic throughout the day and record 20 seconds of video through their smartphones. Then, the communication partner receives and watches the video in the photo frame. When the user records a video, the family portrait in the digital photo frame becomes clearer. If the user does not record a video, however, the image blurs.

- What I learned from the prototype

Through testing the final product, I felt confident and comfortable with this concept. I started working on the actual design. I received feedback regarding the quality of product design. I created wooden frame by myself. Some testers said the wooden frame needs to be more polished. They also claimed that the photo frame needs a stand so that the user can view the frame in a more comfortable position. The test users tilted the angle of the frame because the current prototype is not able to adjust the angle. Therefore, I created a new wood frame based on reflecting the feedback. I also got feedback about settings. Some testers said that they want to change the family portrait image. At this point, I will focus on the core features and optimize them. I would consider the customizing settings for the future iteration.



Jungsoo Park
@jungsooxpark/User Interface Study

Interaction Designer x Creative Technologist who wants to bridge the gap between differences through design. http://uxjungsoopark.com