Human Society As Blockchain Platform

Junhua Chang
Junhua Chang
Published in
1 min readApr 4, 2018

Everyone deserves his or her own cryptocurrency. Actually you might have one already, it’s called your reputation, traded under your name.

You were gifted a genesis block when you were born, and since that day, your brain mines a block when you go to sleep every night. That’s why we can’t survive without going to sleep every night, because your brain needs to run the PoW algorithm every night to form the blockchain which is basically your life.

Your blocks contain all transactions you had with all other nodes (people) that day, by either gaining or losing reputation in each transaction. If you are a honest miner and have worked your ass off , or just being extremely lucky whatever, and your reputation became dominant in the entire world like Bitcoin did, then your reputation could worth a castle, or even a kingdom, and the historians would start mining with you by recording every one of your transactions in history books.

All these books (blocks) are replicated in the brains of following generations (possibly forever) and cannot be altered without the hard work of rebuilding the entire human history.

So you get the idea, our entire human society is a blockchain platform with everyone being the miner, using whatever cryptocurrency algorithm you were gifted with when you were born.

