My Political View For The World To Know

Junhua Chang
Junhua Chang
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2018

When we were still apes 5 million years ago, some liberal apes walked out of forest for first time on the planet and they became human ancestors. The conservative apes were left behind, and that’s why they need to be conserved nowadays, because our liberal apes who are called humans are now destroying the conservative apes’ homes!

When our ancestors arrived at places with water and food, the conservative ones settled down and became farmers, and thus we had cities and civilization. The liberals were not content and they just kept marching to places where nobody ever went before. Some of them found whole new continents and settled down and became American Indians, and when the next wave of liberals came from Europe, the American Indians were mostly killed by the new liberals.

500 years later, a liberal who purposely named himself Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin. Some liberals started using it right away and a few of them became millionaires or even billionaires. Conservatives were mostly left behind and they became angry and started to regulate it or just outright ban it.

Just like apes have evolved to humans, money has now evolved to cyrptos. This process is irreversible. No matter how hard you try to preserve your good old traditions, humans just cannot back evolve to apes, even if every single one of us agree that we all want that happen. So get it, cryptos are here to stay, no matter how hard conservatives try to ban it, outlaw it. Because cryptos cannot simply back evolve to fiat currency, it’s just technically impossible.

