Hello, Junior.

Junior, the Rapid Invention company, launches to help clients get to tomorrow faster.

Garrick Schmitt
Junior Writes
3 min readAug 11, 2015


SAN FRANCISCO — August 11, 2015 — Junior, a new design and technology company, launched today in San Francisco. Born out of the belief that helping businesses get to market faster is an imperative, Junior unites product design, technology, and marketing and brings an accelerated approach to solving businesses’ toughest problems.

Junior is part of the Project: WorldWide network and is jointly led by five founding partners, each with more than 15 years experience leading multi-dimensional teams at top agencies and consultancies:

· Robbie Whiting — Technology

· Stephen Clements — Creative

· Renna Al-Yassini — User Experience & Strategy

· Conal O’Doherty — Growth & Operations

· Garrick Schmitt — Client & Business

“The way people interact with products and services is evolving faster than brands can adapt, especially when it comes to the post-pc generation,” said Whiting. “At Junior, we’ve created a process called ‘Rapid Invention.’ It’s our accelerated system of design and prototyping. We organize into small, multidisciplinary teams, work in sprints and quickly conceive of new solutions as functional prototypes.”

Added Clements: “We believe in a holistic approach because today’s business problems can’t always be solved by one-off marketing ideas alone. Only by understanding and designing to a business’ ecosystem can we effectively create the right touch points, invent new products and optimize their impact.”

Junior: Garrick Schmitt, Stephen Clements, Renna Al-Yassini, Robbie Whiting, Conal O’Doherty, Laura Morley, Aswath Anand, Brianna Lee, Sean Leach, Zac Rolland

To help its clients better adapt to a world of constant change, Junior has tapped into a new class of emerging thinkers and makers. It has developed partnerships with some of the most progressive design and technology schools, including Hyper Island, Savannah College of Art and Design, Carnegie Mellon University, and School of Visual Arts in New York. Students and post-graduates will work on an ongoing basis with Junior’s senior leadership to create operational systems, products, and communication strategies.

At the core of this venture are several key beliefs and deeply embedded principles that guide the way Junior works with clients, its own organization and network partners:

Change is constant: Technology is changing so fast that experience is only worth so much. We value attitude over experience.

The quick eats the slow: Speed is our imperative. We work in quick sprints, helping businesses get to tomorrow faster.

Everything is connected: We create systems and experiences. Not one-off executions.

Code = Power: Everyone at Junior speaks the language of tomorrow: code.

Customers owe you nothing: Today’s customers are only loyal to the best experience. We design to create meaning.

Pressure makes diamonds: We work in small teams, with quick turnarounds. It leads to unfettered creativity and glittering results.

There is no finish line: We make things. Then we make them better. Hard work and iteration are how great products get made.

Say ‘hello’ at Junior.io, LinkedIn, Github and on Twitter @JuniorInvents.




Garrick Schmitt
Junior Writes

Innovation and experience design guy. Independent. Principal at Garrick+Co. Ex Junior, Razorfish, CNET.