Code & Tell Melbourne - March #ReHash

LJ Kenward
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2018
A slice of some of the Junior Devs and attendees having mad chats

On the 23rd of March the JuniorDev Melbourne Community hosted an awesome line up of speakers for what ended up to be an epic night! We crafted a CSS & Web theme, as a nod to the incredible CSSConf that was happening the same week in Melbourne. We were lucky enough to snag two speakers, and an attendee in town for the conference, all from Sunny ol’ Perth!

With 90 people packing out Zendesk Engineering office in Melbourne, who are our gracious and super freaking awesome sponsors of Code & Tell, there was a certain conference buzz about, and our first Code & Tell back for 2018!

It us. Luke Mesiti and I are getting silly with the intro’s now, I think we spend too much time together! 😱

We were stoked to have Julie Grundy start the evening with what we should all think about from the start when we code, Accessibility! Julie spoke at CSSConf with the topic “Can you see that OK? CSS tips for low-vision accessibility” which was totes awesome, and we stoked for her to take us through her “Web Accessibility Basics” tips, tricks, and knowledge bombs. I saw people, literally, taking notes during this talk!

Thank you Julie! You can peep Julie’s slides here:

Next was Amy Kapernick ! Having already spoken at our JuniorDev Perth meetup a few months ago, all about Failure, I was excited to see Amy delve into CSS Grid! Such a clear and succinct talk, has definitely taken away some of the smoke and mirrors for me!

Thank you Amy! You can check out Amy’s slides here:

Third on this magical night was Mandy Michael, who conducted a workshop at Decompress after JSConf! Mandy’s visually stunning and entertaining talk on Creative Text Effects with CSS was top notch, and I know made so many people in the room sit up and take note of the power of CSS!

We’ll let this awesome CodePen demo it better than we could ever describe!

Thanks Mandy! You can check all Mandy’s Codepens here:

What a awesome night, thank you to all the speakers, our sponsors Zendesk and the Zendesk staff volunteers, everyone who came along, and our JuniorDev crew volunteers for making it all happen. Shout out to David James for the photos!

See y’all at the next one!

You know what we love? 💜 Crafting events for Junior Developers just like this Code & Tell. We’re so excited to be taking that to the next level with a very unique Junior Developer conference called Levels, happening this July in Melbourne, Australia.

Call for Speakers aka Talk Submissions is now open too, with flights and accommodation provided for Australian and New Zealand speakers.

Grab your early bird ticket!



LJ Kenward

Developer — Ex truckdriver. Bootcamp Grad && @Levelsconf organiser. @JuniorDev_io Community Leader. Using tech for positive change. Twitter: @ljkenward