That’s interesting!

Juno Team
juno team
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2018

Surely you know what a “Mexican wave” is (an action during which fans get up and sit down with cheers one after another throughout the stadium). But do you know why it’s called like that? The thing is that this action gained popularity at the World Cup in 1986. Then the scientist Tamas Vicek calculated her average speed was 12 m/s, or 20 seats.

But not only Mexican fans have their own way of welcoming the players. For example, fans of the Austrian football club “Rapid” also have their own special tradition. During the last 15 minutes of each match, all the fans of this team clap their hands. The origin of this tradition is unknown, but it has been going on for several decades.

Afghan fans also wanted to loudly greet their team after it resumed its participation in international competitions. However, it turned out that the Taliban government, which was in power at the time, banned the audience from applauding, which deeply shocked the fans.

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