A tall order — Ep 2

Jun Loayza
Jun’s startup life
2 min readOct 14, 2016
I think I was wearing the exact same shorts in the previous episode. I need new clothing.

Your objective is to build a viral product that is used for work by 100 million users within 5 years.

Say what!?!?!

“Your objective is to build a viral…”.

Ok, ok, I heard you the first time. Viral product; 100 million users; 5 years. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Dream big or go home

One of the many things I admire about Alex is that he dreams big — really big. He knew that the voice over market was small; he knew there was a limit to our growth.

It was time to stand up and face the music:

  • Option 1: lie to ourselves and pretend that we’re creating a positive global impact on mankind as a voice over company.
  • Option 2: take big risks and make big investments outside of voice overs to grow our product lines.

As far as I’m concerned, Option 2 was the only logical choice. Life is too short to dream small.

Today I find myself as the leader of one of three teams at Torre Researrch.

  • Team Keplerr: lead by Amaury
  • Team McGyver: lead by Andrés (sorry Andrés, I couldn’t find your Twitter)
  • Team Leonarrdo: lead by yours truly

And yes, the double r’s are still on purpose.

Our mission: to experiment with innovative ideas and launch new products (basically build a startup within a startup).

This is the dream job!

At first glance, the role seems all fun and roses.

I know you’d like to thank your shit don’t stank
But lean a little bit closer
See that roses really smell like boo-boo
Yeah, roses really smell like boo-boo

But lean a little bit closer and you’ll get a whiff of the pressure on our shoulders.

Build a viral product that is used for work by 100 million users within 5 years

Yup, we basically have to build the next Facebook.

Have you tried to build the next Facebook? It’s really not that easy.

We have 1 year to hit a 7% week-to-week growth rate for 3 consecutive months

I started my role in July of 2016. This means that as of this writing, I only have 8 months left to achieve a 7% week-to-week growth rate.

What happens if I don’t hit the deadline?

It’s unclear. We started with four teams at Torre Researrch, and now we’re down to three. Needless to say: we better hit that deadline.

Dreamers gonna dream,

Jun Loayza



Jun Loayza
Jun’s startup life

Building HitMeUp, the AI-powered "Mailchimp" for Content Creators. Follower of Christ. 🇺🇸🇯🇵🇵🇪