The Jur Oracles Week: 2nd Call for Jur Enthusiasts begins now

The first round of Oracles exceeded all expectations. We met amazing people along the way and our community grew, becoming a friendly chat full of people ready to give their contribution to make the world a fairer place. Join us as we work together to create a better future.



Jur Oracles: Core Contributors In A Decentralized Ecosystem

Jur is a decentralized project that is changing the world of legal services to provide better access and fairer outcomes. You can help. Like all truly decentralized projects, Jur will create value by allowing a community of contributors to participate in a growing, useful ecosystem.

To help this community grow and discover Jur, the Jur team came up with the concept of “Oracles” — invoking the ancient concept of seers who give answers on questions of key importance. Jur has recruited the first cohort of Oracles and they have begun to answer questions, share news and insight, and lead the community in the official telegram chat.

Follow this link to apply

Jur Oracles Program, Round 1 was an all-around success.

Our first group of six Oracles, Einar, Nasser, Alexander and Ini have met online with the CEO, CTO, and CMO of Jur and learned the details in-depth in Q&A sessions. They also participated in a very insightful moderator training led by a pioneering community manager.

The community is growing and curious members are having illuminating conversations with the Oracles. In between work and classes, Einar and Nasser have built a website to help organize Oracle activities.

We have lots of news coming up and we will have a very fun 2020. So much work to do!

Do you have all that it takes to become a Jur Oracle? Show us here!

Jur is a project to believe in, a bold statement of a paradigm evolving. It’s no surprise that curiosity has grown amongst the various crypto communities.

The first 4 Jur Oracles: our pride, their success

Each of the first Jur Oracles is an amazing person. They all come from different industries and have different life experiences.

Jur Oracle Nasser with Sunny Lu in SF

Among them, Nasser has a strong IT and software development background and has been very helpful in answering community questions about tech.

Einar is a marketing leader, and his insights on how to deal with 21st century needs of the market are a precious help for our communication. He also knows his way around web development, and he and Nasser are building a site to help coordinate and manage the Oracle’s projects.

It takes commitment to become an Oracle, but it’s also a lot of fun.

You’ll have the chance to meet each of the team members, discuss the future of Jur, and get in contact with the people that are very shaping the new decentralized legal ecosystem. Your commitment is our warranty for a better trustworthy community. We are always grateful for the help we receive.

That’s why we sponsored Nasser’s journey to San Francisco to attend the OceanEx meetup where he got to meet leaders from VeChain, which we will be talking about in upcoming Medium articles.

That genuine gratitude the entire team has for the Oracles inspired the CEO of Jur, Alessandro Palombo, to welcome and thank the first group of Oracles on the Jur Official Community Telegram chat.

The Oracles are not only volunteers; they are part of a family, and they are taking the initiative and actively building the future. Wait till you see how cool the website they have created for hosting the future activities of the Oracles is. Initiatives like these are aligned perfectly with the Jur team’s philosophy of always striving to deliver something above the average.

Do you want to be part of the Jur Oracles? Don’t think twice. Apply here.

Let’s rewind: about the Jur Oracles

In the ancient world, the oracles were people who were able to foresee the future. Over time, the word “oracle” took on a specific technical meaning in informatics and blockchain, as a warrant of the randomness of a decision or more generally, a reliable source of external information.

In dispute resolution, an incorruptible and trustworthy decision, is of fundamental importance. The decision is guaranteed by an oracle. The decision to call the new community moderators ‘Jur Oracles’ is based on the importance of such a node in the network. To be an oracle in the Jur Decentralized Ecosystem is to become a key point for the correct functioning of the entire system.

An Oracle is then a warrant for justice to be properly executed, someone committed to working for truth and righteousness. They should be someone who believes in the idea that their actions will eventually lead to a world that is fairer.

All these characteristics, together with a spirit of initiative and a will to support Jur’s mission are fundamental for anyone that wants to become a Jur Oracle.

The Jur Oracles will manage the community of Jur, which is a wide group of people united under the sign of the JUR token, that are interested in experimenting with ways of creating a better justice in the future, and that express their ideas and vote on controversies to earn and learn for the sake of a decentralized justice system.

The Jur Oracles are the pivotal point of Jur’s project.

Read below to see all the benefits of being a Jur Oracle!

Who is qualified to be a Jur Oracle?

Jur Oracles will be recruited from current Jur telegram community members and from active Twitter users that support and believe in the project. We actively look for members who are passionate about the blockchain/cryptocurrency industry and the legal industry and are willing to contribute to the growth and development of Jur.

Jur Oracle Role Requirements:

  1. Have an enthusiastic and optimistic outlook towards the development of Jur’s Ecosystem. Having a good understanding of the crypto environments of VeChain and OceanEX is a plus, but not necessary.
  2. Commit a certain amount of online time to Jur.
  3. Social skills: we are always in need of people willing to work on a team or that have a good and contagious temperament.
  4. Be highly skilled in, or possess a strong desire to learn, digital marketing, community outreach, technical support, product research & development, translation. Those who are not proficient nor willing to be as such, but are into legal tech and/or willing to learn more about it, or have deeply reviewed and studied what is Jur and how the Jur ecosystem works, are also more than welcome.
  5. Have a sense of responsibility.
  6. Being a JUR token holder is a plus.

Jur Oracle Responsibilities:

  1. Help new users understand Jur’s products
  2. Answer questions from the community about Jur
  3. Provide feedback to the team about community suggestions/ideas or guide members into the right direction
  4. Contribute early feedback regarding new products functions and features
  5. Organize constructive and educational discussions in telegram groups or other social platforms
  6. Become Jur’s frontline correspondent within the community and closely work with the Jur’s core team to secure a bright future for the project

Jur Oracles benefits:

The Jur Oracle will be part of a think tank of game-changers for legal tech services. The Jur Oracle is an early adopter and believer of the Jur ecosystem, thus having a great opportunity to become a key influencer.

Jur has interests in China, Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Dubai at the moment, with all the rest of Europe and South Africa in the future. Jur’s team is constantly developing and people that participate in the project can eventually come to be considered the next important resource for any future team development.

In a nutshell, a Jur Oracle will have:

  1. Direct line of communication with the Jur Core Team
  2. Specially customized gifts from Jur
  3. Opportunities to participate in all our offline activities as a privileged guest
  4. Suggestions from a Jur Oracle will be highly valued
  5. Participate in the product design of Jur together with the core team
  6. Other incentives will be communicated upon successful recruitment

Jur Oracles Program ROADMAP:

  1. Phase 1: community reach out and candidates acquisition
  2. Phase 2: candidate selection
  3. Phase 3: scrutiny and proof of knowledge
  4. Phase 4: selection of second cohort of candidates to become Jur Oracles

Application Process:

Community members who are interested in becoming a Jur Oracle can fill out the application form here

The Jur Oracles Program is an ongoing program; we accept applications continuously.

We will review your application internally and email you if you are accepted into the Jur Oracles Program.

All accepted candidates will be invited to help us moderate the community for one month.

After one month, the candidates with the best performance will be officially promoted to Jur Oracle status.

Do you think you have all it takes to become a key reference point for the worldwide community of the new decentralized legal ecosystem?

Jur is waiting for you. Start now, apply to become a Jur Oracle!


Jur Team

