Welcome to Jurassic Farm

Ian Malcom
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2021

Ellie Sattler: Look at that…

Alan Grant: It’s… it’s a dinosaur…and a GOOSE?!?!

Ellie Sattler: Uh-huh!

Ian Malcolm: You did it. You crazy son-of-a-bitch, you did it.

[Grant and Sattler are still looking at the GOOSE in amazement.]

Ellie Sattler: You said you’ve got a T-Rex?

John Hammond: Uh-huh!

Alan Grant: Say again?

John Hammond: Oh, we have a T-Rex!

Ellie Sattler: Put your, put your head between your knees and breathe.

John Hammond: (chuckles) Dr. Grant. My dear Dr. Sattler. Welcome to Jurassic Farm

Welcome to Jurassic Farm — The true #1 GOOSE Farm on BSC

Issues with the Goose Model and Goose Forks

We will begin by saying that we respect Goose and applaud them for coming up with a farm mechanic that others willingly copy without alteration. While Goose works and has flourished, we believe that it has flaws and its success is largely due to being the first mover. Unlike others, we have worked to improve the Goose model and hope that our farm sets the new standard.


‌(1) We believe that the current Goose model invites too much sell pressure from both the farms and single token pools. The deposit fee requires higher emission rates from the farms and single token pools but this sell pressure cuts into the value of the token.

‌(2) Goose and its clones use a manual process for breaking and selling their deposit fee. Why should you need to trust them to do the right thing and use the full deposit fee to buy & burn. As you’ve probably seen, many Goose forks don’t properly do this because the process is not done via contract but requires manual input.

Our Solution—

New Features/Updates to the GOOSE model:

  • Automated Price Stabilization — Our contract will automatically use the 3% deposit fee to buy the DINO token, create both LPs (DINO/USD & DINO/BNB), and send that LP to a burn address. This will ensure a perpetual price floor that is constantly rising.
  • Appropriately Weighted Farmers — We have adjusted the weights on the farms to lessen the sell pressure. Rather than give the farms 4–6x emission rates, we have elected to use rates of 1–2x.
  • Updated pairs to include newer tokens, like SIL & BSCPAD
  • In the future we plan to add an auto-compound feature to simplify the process of compounding your emissions.
  • Future exclusive and new NFTs that can be used to BOOST pool rewards

Features remaining from GOOSE:

  • Migrator removed from the contract
  • 12 hour timelock added to contract at launch
  • Fair launch. No pre-mine. Farm will begin at the same time for all participants
A Glimpse at our future NFTs


Master Farmer: https://bscscan.com/address/0x318c3AE7423Cc82F9EC524353Ec2526f72D70386#code

Token: https://bscscan.com/address/0x9510b145010f0eAc5a3aefd9a5A07A0a14B2241d#code



Come Visit Jurassic Farm

Website: http://Jurassicfarm.app

Telegram: https://t.me/JurassicFarm

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jurassic_Farm

Gitbook: https://jurassicfarm491.gitbook.io/jurassic-farm/

