Juro wins in the LegalGeek startup awards

Richard Mabey
New comments | the Juro Blog
2 min readOct 27, 2016

Last week, we were at the amazing LegalGeek conference in London. The conference was a sell-out event sponsored by ThompsonReuters, Freshfields and the Law Society. We were thrilled to win the LegalGeek startup award for the Document Automation category.

The team here has been working like crazy — obsessing even — on product to deliver the best experience for customers that we can and it is great when this effort gets recognised. Thanks to all our customers who voted to nominate us and to the judges on the day for taking the time to see what we can do!🏆

The conference was probably the most significant legal tech conferences to have ever taken place (at least outside the US) and there was huge optimism in the air (even from lawyers like me…). There were sessions at the conference on fundraising, Blockchain and AI with most of the major UK legal tech startups in attendance. Particular highlights included sessions with Balderton’s Suranga Chandratillake and Kira Systems’ Noah Waisberg.

Perhaps one of the most surprising things about the conference was just how many non-lawyers were there. It is great to see designers, developers, investors and busdev experts taking an interest in what was once a deeply unsexy field (and perhaps still is).

Legal tech is on the rise and there is a concerted drive to make London its hub. Just as the standing of the financial services industry in the UK (and a lot of tech talent) has helped London to win its fin tech crown, so too with its world-renowned legal services industry can London become a leading light in legal tech. LegalGeek is helping to drive this and we hope that Juro is playing its part in opening up legal help in new and innovative ways.

LegalGeek’s Jimmy Vestbirk takes to the stage

The waiting list for Juro is now only a couple of weeks — sign up today to turbocharge your legal contracts. 📝 🚀

