A Musing on Musings

Jeff Freedman
Just A Musing
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2024
Just thinking about life around me…

More than 10 years ago, I began writing blog posts as a way to record random thoughts and insights that I took away from life experiences. I’ve found the process to be somewhat therapeutic as it enables me to look deeper into each experiences, discover greater meaning and insights from them, and build relationships by sharing them with others. These days, I find myself actively seeking lessons and insights from virtually every experience I encounter. (My friends and family often comment, “I see a blog post coming from this…”).

To date, I’ve never given this collection of work a name or title. But, after about 150 posts, I’ve come up with one that I think works well: Just A Musing. Because, honestly, that’s all each post is: a musing from my life that I hope others find somewhat amusing (if not interesting) as well.

While LinkedIn has the been the primary channel for my posts, I created a new Publication here on Medium to house and share all of my writings — this being the inaugural post. In the weeks and months ahead, I will be sharing new posts and republishing many of my prior ones. Although the stories/experiences may be somewhat dated, the lessons and insights are not.

Here’s what you can expect:

  1. A glimpse into my life. As I wrote in a recent blog post (Is that Art?), art is a way to share/express who you are. And, I’ve come to realize that my blogs are my art. So, I hope that they help you get to know me a bit better.
  2. Interesting observations and insights. Every experience is an opportunity to learn and, in most every post, I share the lessons and insights I gathered accordingly. You may not agree with all of them, but that leads me to the next point.
  3. Opportunity for personal reflection. I hope that each experience/story I share causes you to consider your own insights and take-aways — and how they may be similar or different given your unique life experiences. I love hearing such refections from people, as it creates additional dialogue and learning for everyone.
  4. Amusement/Entertainment. I’m certainly not a comedy writer, but I do hope that each of my posts brings a bit of joy to your day — be it from a story you can relate to, insights or advice that may be helpful help or just something new/different to reflect upon during.
  5. The Unexpected. I never know what my next blog will be about. That’s part of the fun of writing these posts. I try to stay away from controversial issues but, sometimes, I find myself there (intentionally or not). In those cases, please refer to the above intentions and know that my words are never meant to offend.

For all of you who have been reading my posts for a while, thank you! I love hearing your comments and feedback (even when we disagree). And, for all my new readers, I hope that reading my posts gives you as much joy as writing them does for me.

Let the new adventure begin.



Jeff Freedman
Just A Musing
Editor for

Brand builder. Bold thinker. Creative marketer. Doting Father/Husband. Author. Public speaker. Corgi lover. Blogger. Drummer. Collaborator. Connector.