Cybersecurity poem, Shakespeare style

Shakespeare writing a poem
Shakespeare, writing a poem (as imagined by AI)

Oh cyber security, how thou doth protect

From threats that lurk within the digital realm

Thy firewalls, thy passwords, thy antivirus apps

Do keep us safe from hackers and scams

But woe betide the ones who take thee lightly

Who click on links and open attachments blindly

For they shall fall prey to the cybercriminals’ trap

And suffer losses financial, emotional, and perhaps

So let us all be vigilant and wise

In matters of the internet and digital devices

Let us follow best practices and heed advice

On how to keep our data and information nice

For cyber security, thou art our shield

Against the dangers that the internet can yield

So let us honor thee and keep thee dear

And live our lives without cyber-fear.

// penned with help of ChatGPT :)

