TOP 5 Products for Your Health

Just About Everything
2 min readMay 19, 2020

It is very important to take care of our health, and it is very important to eat food which is good for our health. Here are the top 5 products, which will help you to be healthy.


Seafood products are full of vitamins which are good for your health. Salmon contains such nutritions like:
✅ Omega-3 fatty acids,
✅ Magnesium,
✅ Vitamin B.

Salmon is one of the best products to those people, who aim to lose weight. Beside it, salmon reduces the risk of heart diseases. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you should salmon every day. It is better to have it about twice a week. If you don’t know what to cook with salmon, here are a few recipes.


All of us were growing up with milk. Milk is good for our bones because it is full of calcium. Also, milk contains protein, vitamin B12, phosphorus and other nutritions. There is a lactose-free milk alternative for people who is sensitive to cow’s milk.

You can just drink milk or eat with cereals on the breakfast.


Blueberries are good for your eyes. Also, these berries boost your brain health, regulate blood pressure and level of cholesterol.


Mushrooms contain vitamin D and selenium, and it is alternative to meat. If you don’t like meat, so you can replace it with mushrooms. Mushrooms prevent cell injury, and boost our immune system.


Actually all nuts are good for our health. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, proteins. Walnuts help to lower bad cholesterol and to raise a good one.



Just About Everything

A half of my life I spent abroad and mostly in South Korea. I am inspired by travel, learning new culture & history, foreign languages and other stuff