Slow Down: Save Gas, Money & The Environment

Anais Tadlaoui
Just Insure
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2019
Photo by fran hogan on Unsplash

Time is Money” is a universal way of life. We all want to get our destinations as fast as possible. (Trevor Noah’s Daily Show segment “ain’t nobody got time for that” comes to mind). Anyways, back on track, because ain’t nobody got time for tangents. Our speedy hyper-productive culture permeates every facet of our lives, including on the roads with aggressive driving. We wish the other cars weren’t around and wonder “What is everyone doing on the freeway at 1:30pm on Tuesday?!” when you’re hoping to beat traffic — without luck.(Ludacris’ “Move B**** Get Out Da Way” comes to mind).

It turns out “Time is money” on the roads, but not in the way we’d like. If you’re speeding, you’re burning holes in your wallet. It’s not only dangerous but costly to the environment as you emit more CO2 gases and to your bank account as you burn more gas per mile travelled. We’ve done the math for you so that you can see how much money you’ve been flushing down the toilet by pressing too hard on the gas pedal.

We’ve all heard it: “Life is a journey, not a destination”. Now apply it behind the wheel. Slow down and you’ll be safe, save money and minimize your carbon footprint. Talk about three birds with one stone.



Anais Tadlaoui
Just Insure

Tech entrepreneur, digital nomad, acrobat & extreme sports enthusiast, passionate about all things positive impact, tech for good, health, travel & languages.