Melody Harrell
Just Below the Surface
1 min readJun 7, 2016
The Cabin

I am invited to remember…my very breath.
The rise and fall.
I am God breathed.
I remember my body,
Planted on the ground.
I feel the earth through my feet.
Truly present in my own space.

I am invited to remember….my soul.
What gives me life?
What feels like weight in my chest;
Gravity holding down more than earth?
To what am I called?
Where does my greatest gift meet the world’s deepest need?

I am invited to remember…my neighbor.
To look deep into eyes.
And listen,
Without already formulating an answer.
Real listening.
Real hearing.
Real presence.
Then the remembering becomes alive.
And the living is worth remembering.
Your world touches mine.
And I am changed.
We are no longer separate.
I need you.
There is a momentary stay in the confusion.
You become lovely to me.
And I am your treasure found.

That which is being remembered is present.



Melody Harrell
Just Below the Surface

I am a lover of beauty, who wants to move through this earth, awake.