Melody Harrell
Just Below the Surface
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

This is the first, the wildest, and the wisest thing I know
that the soul exists and is built entirely out of ATTENTIVENESS.
Mary Oliver

A recent visual journaling page.

Then why do I spend so much time looking away from real life?
Down the ladder of inattention, rung by rung;
Into the abyss of distraction.
Afterwards, I feel a little sick. Or at least a whole lot numb.
How do I learn otherwise?
In this world where the noose is already firmly around my neck.
Follow this … this ….. to this …. to this.
The destination?
No where.
Except imprisonment. And doing it again tomorrow.
Or in the next hour.

Oh spring. Come and save me!
Call me outside to dig and water and weed.
Would that I could dance with slugs and fungus and aphids,
Rather than the world where there is no dirt and reality is just out of reach;
But oh, so delicious (if malnutrition is your goal).
Where my feet aren’t planted anywhere and the ground is constantly shifting.

Let me see in new ways.
Ways that take me down the rabbit holes of curiosity.
Down the paths of relationship.
Where I feel better about myself, not worse.
Where my connection to the world is affirmed, not questioned.
Let me unplug and literally smell the roses.

Let me do nothing and gain everything.
Let me UN-produce and laugh as the grim reaper of attention
passes me by for another more willing victim.
There are plenty of them.
A universe full.

Let me recognize that attention is precious.
Let me do some soul building.
Let me attend to living here.

How To Do Nothing



Melody Harrell
Just Below the Surface

I am a lover of beauty, who wants to move through this earth, awake.