Finding My Ways To Live A Simpler Life

Sometimes Less Is More

Drthefit | Ankita
Just Be You


Image Source: Unsplash

Since my last birthday in July , I think there has been a change in the way I think and operate though I haven’t changed anything in my life. I am still living in the same apartment, my daily schedule is kind of similar as before. Although my surroundings are the same, I am not the same person.

I think I’ve gotten so much better at letting go, I don’t mean that I let go easily now. I don’t. Everything in me still wants to hold on. And I’ve stopped asking myself why the hell I would want that anyway.

Honestly I don’t know what a simple life means. It’s hard to know what exactly that means…or how to achieve it. But as I am learning my ways, I hope it can help you find your path.

We can start choosing ourselves.

I wish this part is easier.

We’re not supposed to be good at things when we’re practicing them. We’re just supposed to be improving, and no amount of pushing ourselves will make it happen any faster.

So very often, we add things to our life because we feel like others think we should, or because other people are doing it and therefore we think we should.

Once you realize that everyone gets to live their own life, you will find that…



Drthefit | Ankita
Just Be You

15x Top Writer. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Creating Part-Time. Join my email list: